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Everything posted by ashvin

  1. One doesn’t have to be around a karate dojo very long before hearing this word pass between members. Students and instructors alike will commonly bow to each other upon meeting, or as class is about to begin, and say oss. But what exactly does it mean? In Japanese the word oss is written as a two-character combination. The first character means “to push,” and the second means “to suffer.” Together they symbolize the importance of pushing, striving and persevering while suffering through whatever difficulties, pains and hindrances are encountered along the way. So, at the literal level, oss is simply an affirmation of the positive attitude, high spirits and refusal to quit that all karate people seek to develop as they train. On a deeper and more general level it might be translated as “keep the faith,” in the sense of karate philosophy and goals. And, finally, it serves as a greeting expressing warm respect and friendship, the Japanese equivalent of a warm handshake. Sometimes students who do not clearly understand the meaning of this word will use it incorrectly. For example, it is not usually used as an affirmative remark to signify agreement, in the same way that hai (“yes”) or wakarimasu (“I understand”) might be used. Nor should it be shouted out as a kiai word while executing strikes and kicks. Should it be used by parents of students when greeting instructors or students? In practice, anyone who supports the goals of karate and has an interest in learning about it may appropriately greet karateka, if they wish, with a bow and an oss, as a sign of respect and admiration for what they do. Alternatively, the good old American smile-and-a-handshake are equally acceptable.
  2. Hi everyone, I want to know Theory of Karate, can any one help or can provide any link. What are the different style of karate? How these differe from each other and their signature ? pros and cons of each style ?
  3. Thanks to all for great tips. I feel reducing the worry part after reading replies. My Sensei has advised to do 'knee push up'. and Well, another thing My Sensei has advised to take "pineapple juice with honey" and "boil egg". Being strict vegetarian, I don’t know anything about boil egg, I have been advised to eat the white part and remove yellow one or vice versa not remembering exactly. Can any one add any further clarification?
  4. Hello, I have just started learning shukokai karate, having completed 4 class. while initial warm up, my teacher instruct to do various sequence of exercise. I found self very week in perticulary "push up" and "thigh spreading". While some of my friend doing 20 push up comfortably and some senior doing 100 !, I can only do "7" push up and get feeling of my hand will broke if i go for next one. Can any one help, how to increase push up count. Well, by the way I am 192 cm (6' 3") tall and having weight of 75 kg (165 lb)
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