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Everything posted by xo-karate

  1. Karate Styles: Surprising Links to Shortened Lifespan Jason Amstrong just published a book that karate does not make you live longer - it cuts years of your life - 10 to 15. I'm old all ready so more training won't harm me:-)
  2. HI, to be able to say what is the best workout, one would need to know what do you want from it. The workout from the link is very good for muscle size and strength. It was 2 times per week. You might need some cardio to enhance the process. (If you have endurance already, strength is a good next step.) After that you might want some speed and power types of workouts. (Maybe functional body weight - check MMA and functional training.) I think strength should take about 3 months and then the next step.. and then back to endurance -> strength -> power and so on
  3. Instructor does not own you and you don't owe anything but training fee to the instructor - yes - true, but training can become like family. Leaving your instructor means leaving your friends too.
  4. It's just first cut - wrestling, squash or baseball - one will be selected
  5. I think it a cirrect call. Kata competitions would be silly and kumite needs to have better rules. It's not fair with current rules. More about what referees are looking at than what actually happened. (refeering to semicontact sports karate)
  6. I agree totally. Single movements or some times a useful compination, but not a logical fight just parts to practice movements and to compine movements. I wouldn't read much as what the story of the fight is:)
  7. Stance is an important part of technique. It's not static, but dynamic - but often learning starts by "statue training". I have a poor zenkutzudaschi. I realized it now when I am grappling. My hip is not in a correct position to carry weight if an opponent graps my upper body. (Jumps and pulls me down.) I've adjusted my hip and now it's much stronger - also in punches. So learn you stances and strengthen your body:-)
  8. I am getting a feeling that some one sees a kata as a choreographed fight? I've always seen it as a drill. If you block three times, it's because you need to do it on both sides - or it just goes better to the end position. (like to start and end at the same place).
  9. Concrats!
  10. to block or not to block? First in kar ate are techniques that you practise. If you repeat your blocks enough, you have blocks or you can use the movement for a counter attack. I've been disqualified for a too strong block -it was interpreted as an attack. My point is that you have the movement if you work for it. Should you use it, is a different issue. In sparring I've noticed that not blocking in karate is effective - or just sliding opponents arm as countering. On the other hand blocking boxers may mess up there balance - It was a new experience. In self defence you may have to use strong blocks as your opponent might have a stick or other kind of weapon. so you can use blocks as attacks and attacks as blocks.
  11. Looks like we are very much on the same page - on opinion on ranking and personal experince.
  12. True. But you can also practice every event with your inner goals. Rank like a belt is a status or something that is awarded by your peers - your social group or martial arts family. It's a nice thing, but it's a poor goal. If we aim for belts, we don't concentrate on right issues. Right issue is what you've made your goal. (OK - you can have gradings as a goal, but that is not martial arts - it's kind of collecting stamps of achievement.)
  13. What kind of sparring? Points or full contact? In points it's easier to counter as fight end on a point. In full contact you need to counter, but still circle and break away from your opponent - if he is bigger and stronger, he will punch your lights out.
  14. xo comes from extra old like cognac - gets better as it gets older. karate is my first martial arts
  15. Try both for few months and see which you like. I am sure that aikido has something to offer in terms of concepts and culture. I'm not sure if it's self defense by it's own but combined with TKD it might not be a bad choice. Wado is ofcourse closer to TKD, but with it's own ideas. My base is in wado so I like it. BUT give aikido a chance if you dare:-)
  16. In our morning sessions I train with a Shodan and a Nidan, both have had their current grade more than 8 years. (My former students.) I also has a discussion with a friend of mine who does judo. She has been a nidan for 20 years and teaching all the time. Now she is preparing her katas for 3. dan:-) mal103, it does not matter if other get their Shodan in 1 year. We just need to hope that they will grow in to their ranks and continue to practice and develop their skills and the art. An indy like my - I just have to ... practice and make up my own belts:-)
  17. I'm starting to like my newest title - professor. To me it says I know something and also that I don't know very much about most of the things. Professor knows his own sector, but is often very ignorant in other subjects. Also I like the connotation that I'm not following a Japan Martial Arts. I ow a lot to old masters, but this is my karate - I'm the professor of my work. It does not mean I invented it. It means I am researching it. Also professor has a meaning of teaching - sharing. And I did not point my self as a professor. It was by Institute of Martial Arts and Science. This is the first time I'm using it - so I'm still tasting and wondering - should I redesign my letterheads and business cards:-)
  18. Yep cheesefrysamurai, it's often difficult for us ordinary people to understand the higher skills and values big sensei's see in others techniques - or some times it's just social skillfulness:-) I don't wear a black belt, but I've been granted 4 dan and a masters title. I know it was a political maneuver. ( I'm not saying that I don't deserve it... In my mind I do, but not that way:) So the question is how long does it take one self to accept own skills to be in black belt level? And what is the graduation that you will accept. I know a guy who gave him self a black belt. And he was a good competitor. I also know many situations where a competitor was awarded a black belt to be able to compete in international competitions in 80's. (Haven't followed it lately). Also one year to black belt can happen in Judo. Roy Dean got his dan in one year. I think we cannot compare black belts and it's just one phase in our journey of martial arts training. It just does not matter when you get it or if you ever get it, as long as you practice. You practice or your own skills, or health. The outer sign that you might know something... by wearing a black belt? It's for motivation maybe social respect, but it has nothing to do with your actual skills. I've seen better green belts than some black belts are - so what? Next Tuesday morning I'll tie my Gi with a white belt - just to make a statement at our training. (Others will have black belts on..) Just to point out that normally I wear a gray belt in this session. Gray as my hair:-)
  19. 40 years and still not a black belt... one national championship, and 15 years teaching...3 -4 classes per week. (I don't know who would graduate me a blac belt. I'm not in any assossiation.) And it does not matter:)
  20. New research shows that static stretching at age 40 and over does not hinder your performance like it does for younger athletes. (Maybe we are too stiff that it does not matter:-)
  21. Why do you want your personal style to be JKD? Why is a label so important? We have a similar "problem" at our training group "old man karate". We are doing kind of self defense karate where focus is to always take control of the attacker - but every one uses their own techniques. I combine karate and bjj - some times aikido or jiujitsu. I think best word at the moment has been "mixfits" but it's not catching. Name will come when we need it:-)
  22. You have to decide when you go into a new setting if you are going there to learn or going there to teach others. If you weren't invited, then its likely the instructor there doesn't want you to teach his students, and that's understandable. I can understand having input to offer, but when an instructor is teaching a certain concept and using a certain methodology with his/her students, and you try to countermand it, that causes problems. What you were trying to do would be better suited to extra practices with the instructor, where the two of you could work different things and exchange ideas, trying his concepts vs your concepts. Let it be up to the instructor whether he wants to try some of those things with his classes or not. I've trained with the Aikido club here in my hometown, and I admit that there are a lot of concepts and ideas tied with Aikido that I don't always agree with. But, I just keep that stuff to myself, learn what they teach there, and grow from it. I was not teaching - just helping my partner to remember the same techniques we had done earlier. Just like which leg is in front or which to step and basic things like that. Nothing that had not been done all ready in the class.
  23. It comes and goes. Lately my home training has been more or less mental exercises by watching youtube... But I have had also many active periods when I have trained two times per day at home.
  24. So how has your cardio workout gone? Any help from the posts?
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