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Everything posted by TKDKeller

  1. Glad to see a lot of TKD practitioners in here, I intend to create a Training journal in the korean arts thread and hope to see some of your training as well. I have been very lazy and now out of shape and out of practice for about 4 years all my fault. So I will dedicate my self to studying by myself in my garage until I have the confidence to find a school again. I remember getting my first color belt and it was a great feeling, I wanted the splits so bad when I reached orange belt and it took 3 months to achieve when I trained for it at white belt, but I was 14 so things came a little quicker back then lol.
  2. As far as class goes, just follow along, it seems that you warmup before you start stretching so your teacher is right about that, as far as your home training, stretching everyday is a MUST! I would recommend warming up then follow with dynamic stretches and static followed with isometric stretches which will really make you flexible and give you the ability to not only kick high but hold your kicks as well. I would do those only 3 times a week.
  3. 1. Fist of Legend (jet li) minimal wires on some parts...maybe 2. Enter the dragon (bruce) 3. Return of the dragon 4. drunken Master & legend of drunken master (jackie) 5. Ong bak 1 & 2/ The protector (tony) 6. Flash Point( donnie) very good movie 7. Fearless ( Jet) 8. Shaolin temple (jet) 1st movie 9. Supercop (jackie) 10. Snake in the eagles shadow(jackie) awesome training sequences
  5. If this is real this is insane! LOL Teach me SIFU! until.. he got knocked out sad...
  6. Awesome choreography and fight style, great video and 3 weeks? wow great job man, keep those coming. I loved choreographing moves back in the day a lot of fun.
  7. My ps3 online ID is killa_keller Mostly play call of duty modern warfare 2, ut3 and many others!
  8. Well.... For a computer monitor I am using a 22" AOC 1920*1080 with a dual montor that is 15". For my TV's I have a 47" Phillips and upstairs I have a 42" RCA. Keeps my PS3 happy
  9. This is what the Martial Arts is about, and it really motivates me to get started in training again. Thanks for having the courage to stick it out Tigress, martial arts will change your life if you stick with it and live by its principles! Congrats on Purple!!
  10. Hey everyone, my name is Jason keller - 27 currently living in Sioux Falls, SD and recently seperated from the Active Duty Air Force a couple months ago. I am married with an almost 3 year old daughter. I started martial arts at 14 in Belle Plaine, Iowa, It was called Jungs TaeKwonDo(Created by Master Woo Jin Jung), not sure if it was ITF or WTF but the forms had Chun Gi, Dan Gun, Do San and Palwge. I practiced and loved that school till I was 17 and made it to 6th Dan Brown Belt, one away from my red/black when I had to move to Columbia TN because of my dads job, from there I practiced on my own a couple of years and trained friends in taekwondo/ sparring on a private basis. I then joined ATA at moody's ATA academy around the age of 19-20 but didn't stick with it(didn't really care for it, real political and was more skilled then the instructors ) but helped teach and start there XMA program. I quit and got married and joined the air force in 06' and was stationed in Minot, ND where I joined Dan Merck's ATA school where I finally earned my 1st Dan Black Belt but was highly out of shape from when I was 18 and lacked a lot of the skills I had, now I am 27 and wanting to get self trained in my garage before I find a school to join as I am heavier now and can barely kick over my waist lol, I think you have a great community here and tons of information, looking forward to sharing ideas and info and hope to get some great feedback. Thanks Guys!!!
  11. I disagree buddy, I used to teach XMA which is something that this video was definately displaying, it was created by Mathew Mullins and Mike Chat(now 4th dan ATA) it was mainly used to display a beyond mastery of the basics and making it something creative to ones personality, I would only suggest learning once one has reached black belt level and should never take over ones traditional style but it will help draw in more crowds as it is very awesome to watch. It was geared towards the teenage crowd as most schools lack teens and there seems to be more smaller children and adults.
  12. This is a tough topic, but here is what I have for you. IT doesn't MATTER what style you learn, one style is not better than another, it DEPENDS on the person. If you want to defend yourself then I suggest sparring realistically with many different people, especially people who have no martial arts background because real fights are not telegraphed and the person you are fighting will not have perfect form in his or her actions, most fights you see are usually hay maker punches, punching wildly and then its usually to the ground. I personally trained years back in a lot of forms and sparring and one day I found myself in a confrontation with someone and he tried throwing wild punches at me which threw me off, however I came back with about 10 punches as fast as i could in what seemed like seconds and it was over, I didn't think to kick, elbow etc, it all depends on your opponent and what you are comfortable doing and adrenaline is the ultimate factor in what you "will" actually do in a confrontation. Train to take hits and how to end the fight as fast as possible is my advice.
  13. I am glad this is a topic of discussion. What I find interesting is that I grew up learning I believe was ITF (chun ji, dan gun, do san, whon yo and palwge's when i first started out and I to this day still remember at least all of chun ji and a little of the rest even though I haven't practiced those forms(pardon the spelling of those, which were probably butchered) in over 10 years yet the newest style ATA I can barely remember how to do Songham 1?? Although it is the freshest in my mind as of 4 years ago? Very strange but yes 6-7 forms per belt is a lot, seems like a school that concentrates on form for tournaments and not so much sparring and self defense.
  14. The first movie is a great one and I too like Donnie Yen and his style and all of his movies and there isn't much wire usage just pure Wing Chun.
  15. The lessons were great I thought, see my post in the Karate kid movie thread
  16. There are some good reasons to watch karate kid especially if your a martial artist or have young children. I found the movie to be well done and I didn't expect anything less from Will SMith and Jackie Chan. 1. Jackie chan has never trained anyone in a film to that degree he did in Karate Kid which was awesome to see all in itself. The forbidden Kingdom used to much wire work and thats above Jackie and Jets skill. 2. Kids will love this movie and it will help promote the martial arts to younger audiences which means more students for those instructors out there. 3. It is now on blue ray and I tend to pick it up tomorrow my self, I saw it in the theaters and it was really a great movie, I think they called it Karate Kid because people always think of every martial arts as "hey you know karate" as if it is a universal style used by all martial artists, lol. Just my 2 cents guys but I think a lot of you will enjoy it or if not your kids certainly will. Great family movie!
  17. Hello guys, Names Jason-27 married with a daughter and glad to be apart of this forum, I have been inactive in Martial Arts mainly TKD, for over 4 years and started when I was around 14 years old. I am now 5'10.5 about 240lbs (overweight) though I wear it well but it is there. I live in Sioux Falls South dakota and am ready to get into shape again, not to brag but I was pretty good years back. I have some equipment in my garage(hanging heavy bag/reflex bag combo)/pull up station with dip and pushup attachment and gloves, ab roller and misc sparring gear. I was wondering how I should start, I am strong but that has brought my martial arts ability and flexibility down greatly and now I can barely kick over my waist(used to do the splits) so no more weight training at the moment. Any one have a beginning fitness routine to get me started and make working out a habit again with out the use of weights, I really need endurace/flexibility and fat loss and Im thinking jump roping could help and bag work but an actualy routine would be nice to follow instead of winging it. Thanks guys and great site with lots of info! If you live in the Sioux falls area and would like to train hit me up. *bows*
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