OKay so I woke up around 8:30 pm tonite(monday) after working the night shift, and I went to Wal-Mart purchased a sports timer(got the wrong one :(/ and the new Karate Kid movie, I planned to workout out after the store but that didn't happen so the wife and I watched it, it was her first time and she loved it. After the movie around 11:30 or so I gathered my equipment for the garage and here is my long awaited back into the mix routine. MONDAY 10/12/10 12AM TRAINING 1. Started with my Shaolin Warrior Workout DVD, did about 30 min, kicked my butt had to take several breaks, stances and pushups got me as well as the 100 high knee raises. 2. Did some jabs on the heavy bag (3 sets of 50 each arm) arms were feeling it. 3.Pushups on the bars( 2 sets of 10) REally out of shape on these 4. Side lunges ( 2 sets of 10) kind of supersetted these with the pushups 5. ONly 1 min of Jump rope ( i was horrible and was already getting shaky) 6. Finished with the Stephen Kesting's Yoga For martial arts, did about 20 min worth, poses kicked my butt again.... Confidence and motivation were leaving at this point, because of the disapointment...so All in all finished at 1:10am and I am really out of shape, not good for a 27 year old who just got out of the military. Spent too much time on the computer and now trying to get my skills back. I will post pics up later. Would like to hear your thoughts and tuesday is another day for training. Enjoy!!