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username115's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Just wondering how much protein do y'all get in to your diet a day? Have been aiming for about 3/4 g per lb of weight so about 130-150g per day. Is this about right if I'mlooking to loose weight and put on some muscle? Am training (kickboxing) 3 times a week, swimming twice and doing light weights....
  2. Ehm we do the same, but the kickboxing club I'm in cross-training in lots of things, as we're lucky enough to have various blackbelts in various styles training with us. Is great cause we cover everything from Thai to Boxing, Kickboxing, Traditional, Forms, Continuos, Points, GRappling, Total Fighting. It's then up to you what you want to concentrate on.
  3. Often women's technique is better, as there is always that thing with men or wanting to BREAK and DESTROY stuff. I for one know, that when 2 beginners start, the man tends to want to hit the punch bag more than the woman y'know? I don't think either is better. They are both just different..... and as I always say, different is good....
  4. I MUST agree. There is no BEST martial art, much like there is no best type of music. There is only DIFFERENT, and as everyone knows DIFFERENT is good. Most ppl will think their martial art is the "real deal". All I can say is thank god there are so many different styles, it makes freestyle competitions & training with other clubs so much fun, learning new things and seeing how different people and styles act. So let's ALL keep up all those different styles, and make it as varied and NEW as we can!
  5. oops, worry didn't realise you were 13. Like the lads say, at that age the most important thing is not to be extreme. Just watch what you eat, and get some excercise in, football, swimming, running, anything, just to get the heart going. Personally I would say doing weights and stuff at that age is bad, and to stay away from it. There'll be plenty of time to push yourself in the gym when you're older. Enjoy being able to relax while you can Take it easy good buddy
  6. oops, hit submit at start, sorry 'bout that. Ok where were we.... ..... 1) Diet: You have to watch what you eat. Cut the calories to 2000-2500 day, but eat well, less fat, starch etc. more protein, and good stuff. Remember to eat well! 2) Excercise : Excercise will increase your metabolism, get your heart going, and help you loose weight. You will also feel better about yourself...excercise a few times a week, but also get rest days. Will allow muscles to heal and make sure you can give 100% next time you excercise. 3) Adding Muscle : The excerice you do might well help to add muscle in certain parts (running, swimming etc). I would suggest (with no equip / limited space), do some push ups, chin ups (if u can get a bar up), and situps.... Generally watch diet, excercise more, and do something to build muscle. Don't try and do too much too soon, or you'll P$5! yourself off, and end up throwing the towel in. Take it nice and slow, build into it...that's it...and good luck with it.
  7. I've lost about 30 lbs over the last year. I think it's 3 fold :
  8. I'm training about 6 months only, but have noticed a huge difference in my kicks. I can now deliver accurate / controlled kicks to about rib height, with both feet, which is excellent for me, considering how un-flexible I was when I started. I am still awkward at anything above that height, but I know I'll get there. Is all a matter of doing some balance work, practise, and LOTS of stretching....
  9. leg raises.... do they work the back and the flexers?
  10. problem I have is no where to hang a bag! and no money to buy one either yeah chip ups are hard as hell, but reckon something that hard must be good for you!
  11. Thanks for that. I already work out on pads 3 times a week at training, but I don't have a punching bag at home. Would shadow-boxing using light weights be (2-5lb) be a good idea? Which weight would be the best to use for this?
  12. Reason I'm asking is, thinking of only doing sit-ups, press-ups and chin-ups to work my upper body for a while, don't really have the time to get to the gym. Should these 3 (and variations of them) be enough to see me through ?
  13. Just wondering what are the advantages of doing chin-ups, both for martial arts and in general?
  14. yeah I do try and do as many situps as I can during the burn, not nice though
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