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ian118118's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. hello i have been thinking about starting up judo for a while now and think i should, i am wondering do i need to buy a license? and then pay per class. or is it just turn up and pay, also can someone give me ideas of useal cost per lesson? thankyou.
  2. hello iv been involved in karate for about 6 years, i want some ideas of what i can do in my daily life to help my karate, i already train at home aswell at training at a dojo 3-6 times a week. i want to improve my power upon impact, i can do the technique right but i am only a teenager. i can however make the adults bend over gasping for air with the right punch or kick during sparring. i have not hit anyone full contact but i lack confidence in my ability to know that if i ever did need to use it, it would work effectively. so i am wondering what i can do to increase my kicking/ punching power. i know strength has nothing to do with it but i need to build abit of bulk so when i do make contact iv got abit more behind me to follow through better. what things do you guys do at home to increase the karate-ka's power?
  3. i always look at the soloplexes area, that way i can see arms and legs
  4. ok thankyou for the replys, sorry its been a while, what about satin then? does that fray just as quickly and how badly does it acturally fray?
  5. hello just wondering how long does it take for these belts to begin to show wear (dye going) and completely go white, just being curious as to why people prefure them over cotton to give a false image... surely they dont wear out that quick in comparison to cotton?
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