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Everything posted by Kenny86

  1. Hello all. I am a relatively new martial artist. I practice Kihon Karate, and my Shihan also emphasizes Jiu Jitsu as well. I have recently achieved my orange belt, and in our club, thats the point where emphasis on sparring really picks up. I am usually well tempered, and do care for the safety of my partners, but here is my problem... I am too timid, for fear of hurting my partner while sparring. This results in me being the "loser" or more on the receiving end of the fight. Sometimes a certain strike that I receive however, will spark an adrenaline rush in me (Anger/Rage), and for the rest of the training session, that rage/rush allows me to dominate most of anyone I spar against. My issue is now, that I know this is wrong. Martial arts is supposed to be about discipline, and control in a combat situation - not losing my cool. So what I would like to know, is how do you guys find the balance? How do you spar in an aggressive/effective way without being a push over, with out losing your cool and just trying obliterate your opponent as a result of anger? Im always on one extreme, I can't seem to find my balance. Thanks in advance
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