i may be thinking old school, but i personally think kata is essential in karate... maybe it wont directly affect your kumite, but i think it teaches you things like concentration, speed, power, kime, etc... like i said earlier, and i'll use george kotaka as an example again, he has extremely crisp kata techniques... low stance, good timing, snap, kime, fluid movements, and he's WKF world kumite champion... idk if he competes in kata anymore but his kata is really nice some people like to specialize in kumite, some in kata, but there are those (and i really admire and respect them) who become tournament grand champions by winning in both... Frank Brennan is a great example... his kumite was deadly, but he also had nice kata and won 1st in both... i just don't like how people are trying to eliminate kata by saying it's useless because IMO it's far from useless... look at lyoto machida, ufc fighter (former lhw champion) and STILL practices kata lol... Chinzo machida as well... he performs unsu and he fought ogata in a close fight to take 2nd... my point is, some of the best in the world at kumite, practice kata, and their katas are clean... i think people just want to kumite because it's more interactive and fun so they rather not do kata... and i personally just don't agree w/that mentality... When I competed in the FSKA world championships, all i wanted was to take 1st in both lol... although i fell short in both (2nd in kata, 3rd kumite), i was surprised i was the only person in my divisions who competed in both... anyways, long post lol, but that's just my opinion