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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan Karate
  • Location
    Manchester, UK
  • Occupation

GaryMo's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I have to say, I only see the soto uki, uchi uki then onto the sweeping catch then soto uki.
  2. I think you're looking at his right arm that comes from across his body to complete an uchi-uke just before the sweeping block.
  3. As suggested above, and taught by my Sensei (KUGB Shotokan), it's to catch a kick and throw them off balance. It's still there in our syllabus.
  4. Did my third on Thursday since the new year and that's after a 2 month break due to a twinging lower back. Should have attempted to do light stretching whist I was away from training as I'm suffering now!
  5. Shotokan is the only style I've experienced so that's where my vote went!
  6. My Sensei specifically tells us not to do that. You're telegraphing a spinning attack and against a good counter puncher you'll end up with a hole in your back.
  7. Practice by performing the turn then execute a mai geri before thrusting your leg backwards for the ushiro geri. That way you're ensuring you're upright before the the ushiro geri.
  8. If you successfully complete your combinations, bassai dai, ju ippon and ju kumite then you'll be asked to step forward and will be given a final kata, either a heian or tekki shodan. You won't get a choice.
  9. 3500kcal is equivalent to around 1lb of body weight so for an average person with no medical issues to lose weight at a rate of 1lb per week they would need to create a deficit of around 500kcal per day from maintenance. I dropped from around 14st to 12st around 3 years ago using that logic with a constant deficit created either through a drop in calories when on a day I wasn't training or aiming for around 500 calorie usage when training. Losing weight for an average person is a pretty simple thing to do, as long as you have willpower and no excuses (most people have no will power and a boat-load of excuses). Many people I know also choose not count alcohol consumption in their diet which at 7kcal per gram certainly adds up!
  10. I'm sure Dobbersky will be along soon. He teaches a form of Ashihara Karate in Manchester.
  11. Snap! Whilst I do love sparring I don't use it as an excuse to beat people up. I'll generally up my game when sparring with more experienced members and lower it when sparring with less experienced. That way we all get something out of it.
  12. Out of interest, who's your Sensei? Mine is Billy Higgins, 7th Dan in Shotokan with a similar amount of experience time wise.
  13. I pay a license fee to the KUGB annually which is required to grade, enter competitions and enables you to participate in any of the free courses offered over the year. It also functions as a record book for your grade and does indeed offer limited insurance. I also pay a second fee for club membership which goes towards the running cost of our club.
  14. Mawashi Geri (roundhouse) - Yoko Geri Kekomi (side thrust)-
  15. Maybe you thought it just wasn't worth the hassle? I'm sure if the guy had approached you then the situation would have changed and your instincts would have taken over. You did the right thing anyway, don't over-analyse it.
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