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Everything posted by username13839

  1. Hello, I am practicing shotokan karate. I would like to train a bit at home on a daily basis. Besides performing my kata over and over again, i am not sure what else i should do and what amount... i would like to know what daily routines you do guys when practicing at home ? Punch, kick and kata? push up..? if so how many and how long time? Some small program advises would be great. I believe i can commit to a one hour per day in the evening. thanks for your advises! best regards Sebastien
  2. Hi for those of you who like fantasy novels, i can advises the following: the sword of truth series by Terry GoodKind The old kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix Memory sorrow and thorn by Tad williams For my part i am currently out of books, any good novels about martial arts, karate...? I could not find any thus far... thanks, Seb
  3. hello, I tried ps1 method today and it worked quite well, i have able to perform the heans in that limited space. but right now, i cannot really perform the kata full speed that way. I am going to prospect for some open areas and try there About transitions, you are right. but i am going to work this out with my sensei. cheers seb
  4. Hello there, I am sebastien, 28 years old from France. practicing aikido for 6 years and Shotokan Karate for 2 years. Cheers seb
  5. all heians fairly well Tekki shodan and Jion slowly with some thoughts.
  6. Hello you are training on a tatami? right? On hard ground i would be also afraid to be taken down As it was mentioned before, take some Judo courses to learn how to fall. Also practing things like ukemi forward and backward, it might help to strength your back muscles and neck. cheers seb
  7. yes, thanks guys I definetely dont show off. practicing outside in summer might be a fun thing to do. In a way ,if i concentrate enough on my doings, i should be able to ignore any individuals watching around, i believe that is the right behavior. I know the few kata i learned pretty well, i was just wondering how i can improve my position and technics if there is no mirror around How do you guys train kata yourself? I read that on the beach it is good because after the kata is performed you can see the marks on the sand and assess if your movements were right or not...? Seb
  8. Hello thanks for your replies, Actually i did train once Taikyoku Shodan on spot, the idea was to choose a piece of tatami and perform the kata in that rectangle. Same for Taikyoku Shodan Ura and Go. I forgot about this maybe i can try to perform all the heians that way and see if it works thanks Seb
  9. Hello, yes i agree, try them both and choose the one you like. Take also into consideration the amount of clubs of that particular style in your country, meaning that you are able to find a similar club in another city (in case you move). seb
  10. Hello, I have been doing aikido and now karate and in both you need to be 18 in order to attend the black belt test. In my opinion children should not be given black belt, because they don t have yet the required maturity. Seb
  11. Hello, thanks for your message. As a matter of fact, i live in Helsinki too Maybe you know some places there? Nearby my area, i did not find any. (i reply to you in english because i am French ) I saw töölö sporthall, maybe one possible place for me to go. cheers Sebastien
  12. Hello, I am practicing Karate Shotokan for 2 years and would like some advises on how i can train kata myself at my place..? Basically my flat is too small to practice anything, i just end up in a wall or chair at any move. Going out in a park or open area could be a solution but since i am quite a beginner i feel a bit shy practicing in front of public.. What solutions do i have to practice kata? Practicing kata is one thing, performing it right is another, how can i autocorrect myself? no mirror available... thanks, Seb
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