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Everything posted by pakua

  1. Interesting topic...I think running it's a very easy way to keep you fit, cheaper and you can train and clear your mind and left some new space to think in more important things...can be sort of a meditation
  2. Very interesting... I think that this happens because you don't need to process the idea to do a movement, you just do, the emptiness it's the player
  3. I think that you are trying to said about the aesthetic side is that you are talking about how a martial art practitioner moves...I'm right?....I assume that the answer is yes... But I understand the Art like a way of expression, expression of feelings and that can't be measured.
  4. Well...I can't see how you can define art as a principles or methods. Those terms are maybe a part of how to do art, how to practice art, but never the Art itself. And you can see the "art" not only in the movements, in the aesthetic side. The Art in martial art it's much much more than that
  5. The all idea is if you can call "martial art" the kind of practice that look after competitions all the time. Or just some Sport called martial arts... Martial ART...art it's an expression of something using different techniques. There is no way that you can classify an ART work, you can't said: this one is better than that one.
  6. Toptocat... Anything that anyone does, if you look for the right angle, always you can find something to learn and growth. You can walk in the street and learn and growth physical and spiritual. But I think that's not the point... I think competition have a lot of ego...then you are saying, from my point of view, that you can learn and growth using ego. That of course is something that everybody need to have but need to control, need to practice to not let the ego growth....not the contrary.
  7. OK...that is another truth, each age group can practice for different reasons... But again, competitions it's a fantasy, is not a real fight, you need to follow rules all the time, and today you feel good then you fight well and wins, tomorrow you feel a little down and the other won. I mean, it's all a fantasy in competition you will never be the best, always someone will come and become a better fighter. For that I said that martial arts is much more that just competitions. But of course, I'm not saying be a monk, in the different types of monks. Learn martial art doesn't mean that we will never receive a good punch or kick in the face.
  8. Oh yes, of course, it all depends of how the student get in to the training....BUT...is the teacher/master that follow the way to follow, he can very easily influence the student...
  9. Today many martial arts teach to get in to a competition, to get results, medals...but where is the real meaning of practicing martial art?. I mean, the real idea of practice martial art, if you will use in a real situation, is just for one reason: survive. But today is not what we see....The simple practice for the "art" or to find the meaning of practice being a better human being, growth in a physical and spiritual way...where is all this today?. Training to be the best in a competition is great, nothing against that, but you are not doing Martial Art, you are just practicing Sports....like anyone that practice football, cricket or archery.
  10. I have never try to learn martial arts training in books? how is that? I mean, can you really learn something that way?
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