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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. in the words of harry "i going to bite that f**king c**ts nose off"
  2. for a start the PIRA didn't plant ther Omagh bomb the PIRA isn't that bad and you should learn to separate between the RIRA/CIRA and the PIRA. the IRA are by far in the way the cleanest of all the paramilitries and although in resent years they are becaming less moral this is because they are becoming more of a group of organised criminals than freedom fighters [ This Message was edited by: g on 2002-05-26 10:26 ]
  3. America thinks it can do what it likes and to a great extent they can but they aren't responsible with their power and they often abuse it. America droping out of the Kyoto agreement is an example that is very clear but alot of americas actions aren't publisied in the media and the way they get away with what they want to do annoys me greatly.
  4. "stupid smog tests" this is the side of america i hate. i must admit that america has done some impressive and some good things but that conceited atitude is ridiculous. if u think that smog tests aren't looling out for ur best intrests by having smog tests get a grip. the usa dump more trash than any other country and us more electricity than any other country who gives u the wrote to do this- the same thing that gives u the write to dictate and minipulate what happens in other countries [ This Message was edited by: g on 2002-05-19 15:27 ]
  5. it wasn't lawless renegades it was forces organised and armed by the UK ps. don't tell me not jump to conclusions as u don't understand the IRA. the ra don't sell drug the loyalists do. that is a fact. the IRA all ways ran protection rackets as for training other paramilities thats is a different matter pps. dont talk about what u dont understand on the bush/america front i was watching a programe last night where american news reporters came out and said that due to the environment since 9/11 that they couldn't publish impartial reprts. this environment was intentionaly created (or expanded on) by the american gov [ This Message was edited by: g on 2002-05-17 13:55 ]
  6. america is a country that has built up its resources through undermining other countries and they take full advantage of events like 9/11. i see no coincidence that as america is trying to increase there oil reserves that they declare all out war in afganistan. if they secure fganistan they can build an oil pipe to the ocean without the consent of russia( as previously the pipe would have to have gone through russia). why do u think america has had such a sustained intrest in afganistan through the last 2 decades. america doesn't fight wars that it'll lose nor does it fight wars that it won't profit from. ps. i think Bush is a thoughtless NAZI. [ This Message was edited by: g on 2002-05-15 07:38 ]
  7. please tell me- is this serious or have i lost the plot
  8. i think its a great coincidence that there are huge oil reserves that are landlocked and best accesed by pipelines through Afganistan
  9. should heavier people have a harder time doing body weight exercises.
  10. the people who were killed in the gladitorial fights were, on the whole, slaves so the idea of it being a voluntary activity is bull. also i used the term american completely intentionaly, due to the fact that the america really invented this whole liberal anti-violence except in self defense idea (which can be justified) and then took too extremes and are completely anti raising a fist (even the martial artists). is no one up for a good scrap these days [ This Message was edited by: g on 2002-04-08 12:07 ]
  11. ye sthey did ship in and kill huge numbers of animals but do you not think the cost of human life was more serious especially since most animals were used to kill gladiators. [ This Message was edited by: Jack on 2002-04-08 02:40 ]
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