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luigi105's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Need help guys. Im grading tomorrow and i am fine on everything except one thing, Once you have completed a line of a drill (say step front kick) what are the different turn and blocks for the yellow belt grading. I have asked my teacher as we all know he has not gone over them but he seems to think he has. all of the people grading tomorrow dont know the turns, Is there a turn and block for each drill?
  2. what is karateka? and our first belt is red? is that correct?
  3. thanks to all of those replied. its not like they are doing it to be mean, i think he wants me to catch up, but its also very off putting as i feel this is how its going to be all the time. As for the belts, they are either 1 or 2 belts higher than me. i dont have a problem sparring against them, if only i knew what the hell i was doing!! I want to be very flexable and fast so i think i will have to keep on practising stretching and agility training. is there any tips anyone can give me to help me improve and maybe give me something i could suprise the higher belts with please. Thanks in advance.
  4. I have been doing karate for about 8 weeks now. (one class a week as thats all i can afford at the time being) I get picked on for sparring as i am the slimest and newest. Firstly, i dont mind being picked on as i WILL ONE DAY TURN ROUND AND WIN and suprise them. i need your help as i go to the gym and i am trying to get fitter but nothing seeming to work. i am 20 years old and weight about 10 1/2 stone and average height. i really want to be strong but i think strength is not going to be my main priority so i think speed will have to come first. There is alot of people in my class that are bigger and stronger so i have to be faster and wiser then they are. Can anyone help me with what i can start doing in the gym to gain strength and speed. and also, can anyone help with tips when sparring as when the first punch is thrown, my eyes glaze with red anger and i loose control (normally causing me to end up on my backside) Help me please.
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