This reminds me of something my sensei did in a beginners class. He told everyone they were going to spar a black belt, one point match. Everyone froze up. Then sensei took one tiny little child out of the class room and told him it was easy, all he had to do was run up and punch him in the belt. In the other room the students went up one at a time, and each one didn't score his point. After a little bit the black belt got cocky and started playing a little, leaving himself wide open and such. But the students were to afraid to do anything because, how could they ever beat a black belt? After everyone had gone, sensei brought the little child, who was hopping and ready to go. As soon as the match started he popped forward and made his point. The black belt was shocked. The students were awed by this little one. Sensei used this as an example, like the little engine that could. Wether you think you can, or can't, you're right. Even if you're the smallest one in the group. It was also a good lesson for the black belt. The power of positive thinking. lol.