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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shudokan karate-do
  • Interests
    Martial Arts

Koke's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Haha, my mother gave me that book to read in high school. My sensei also recommended it and I believe every word. We will do all we can to be Sniff and Scurry! Thank you sensei8!
  2. This reminds me of something my sensei did in a beginners class. He told everyone they were going to spar a black belt, one point match. Everyone froze up. Then sensei took one tiny little child out of the class room and told him it was easy, all he had to do was run up and punch him in the belt. In the other room the students went up one at a time, and each one didn't score his point. After a little bit the black belt got cocky and started playing a little, leaving himself wide open and such. But the students were to afraid to do anything because, how could they ever beat a black belt? After everyone had gone, sensei brought the little child, who was hopping and ready to go. As soon as the match started he popped forward and made his point. The black belt was shocked. The students were awed by this little one. Sensei used this as an example, like the little engine that could. Wether you think you can, or can't, you're right. Even if you're the smallest one in the group. It was also a good lesson for the black belt. The power of positive thinking. lol.
  3. Lol, it sounds like I'm going to need all the help I can get. Thank you JohnASE. I have heard of an organization like that called Score, where older business people mentor younger ones. We will definitely be checking it out.
  4. Lol. We're in Albuquerque. We have checked out a couple of the dojos here, but it was very different, not in a good way. The dojo we came from had much more organization and discipline. As far as technique goes the black belts here looked more like our yellow belts. We were very disappointed.
  5. Thank you KarateGeorge. We practice the Shudokan style of karate-do. It's from Okinawa.
  6. I've never had hair short enough to have that problem. But my older brother went through this faze where he wanted to look like a pirate. He worked in construction so he couldn't have it all over the place. When his hair got too long, but not yet long enough for his pirate look, he would slick it back with either mouse, or gel, or a combination of both. It actually looked pretty good on him. Of course he had to walk around with a helmet on his head, but it was totally out of the way. ^_^
  7. We plan to keep training. We haven't been able to find any dojos around here that are the same style, but we can keep training under our instructor and go back when we need to test. Hopefully by the time we have any students getting near our ranks we'll be going for third and fourth. Yes, we're both pretty young. We were thinking of finding a recreation hall or, maybe since it's almost summer we could just start in a park. We have work, no bad credit, and a couple thousand dollars to put into getting whatever licensing and insurance we may need. I would be the one taking care of the school aspects for now while my husband works. Then once we get to where we're making the same amount of income from the school as he does working, he can quit and we can work on the school together. Thanks for the advice Lupin1. =) We're looking at the different kinds of business to make; such as an LLC or INC. subchapter S, and what is best to begin with. If we went with LLC would it be possible to incorporate later as our school grows? I'd like to know how other people have done it and what mistakes to avoid.
  8. We started karate when we were 12 and 13, we got our black belts at 15 and 16. My husband is at the rank of Nidan (second degree) and I'm a Shodan (first degree). He taught classes for our sensei for a few years. I assisted in classes for a couple years as well. We got married a year ago, and now we'd like to teach karate for a living. Our sensei is very supportive. He's given us some pointers but we would also like to know how other people have gotten their schools up and running.
  9. My husband and I recently moved to a different state and we would like to open our own Karate school. Neither of us have ever started a business before of any kind so advice from people who have already done so would be much appreciated.
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