I studied karate (first kempo, then when my school closed, goju ryu) for about six years in high school and college. Due to financial reasons, I had to quit taking classes about seven years ago. While I kept up as much with drills and katas as I could at first, I was hit by a car while riding my bike a few years back, and used my injuries, especially damage to my left leg, as an excuse to get lazy. I'll have time and hopefully a bit of extra cash starting after Easter, and I'd like to get back into karate, but, to put it bluntly, I'm fat and out of shape. I'm not really sure where to begin — I'm putting myself on a diet and I've been doing crunches, leg lifts and knee push-ups, but that's about it. So, for those of you who have had to get into (or back into) shape after injury and/or gluttony, where's a good place to start? Any advice? I'd especially like suggestions for cardio — my left ankle is very weak and running puts more strain on it than I'd like, at the weight I am now. (I will be getting a doctor's opinion on the ankle before I actually start classes, but at the moment, I can do standard exercise as long as it doesn't cause actual pain.) Thanks in advance.