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  • Martial Art(s)
    dillantettish word warrior
  • Interests
    Surviving until I die, the big questions, the insignificant and artificial academic questions.

Synaesthesia's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. It's funny how so many guys kick themselves when the girls who were relatively plain in grade nine turn out to be foxes when they grow older. Look for the beauty within.
  2. One of the reasons that humans aren't bruisers is because we weigh in with sharp weapons and projectiles. Speed and agility in war. Brute strength in dominance brawls. Just a thought. I'm not voting for the reasons White Warlock put so well.
  3. I'm curious as to whether hitting the bag in the evening would negate the gains I get from Benching in the morning.
  4. This reminds me of another point that merits mention. For those of us who specialize in run-fu, it is very possible that you will get tackled as you run away. It's something you want to avoid, but very possible. All the more reason to know how to fight on the ground if you have to.
  5. Although grappling can be very unwise in certain circumstances, it stands to reason that controlling weapons, for instance, is easier if you practice manipulating balance and joints. It also seems to me that in drunken fights, KO's might be more likely because the neck muscles don't have such fast reaction. (Not to mention that the average brawler is nowhere near the physical condition of the average MMA competitor.) Just a thought.
  6. I'm almost 100% sure chain whips are prohibited weapons. I've never heard anything about this law that you can't move around with a katana if it's sharpened. That's a new one on me, especially since so many swords are sharpened when you buy them.
  7. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Forget all that about finding the exact right diet. The key is variety and lots of exercise. Trust me, you'll feel better if you're big and muscular than if you're of average size and weak as a veal calf. By the by I'd take a solid woman in good shape over a flabby anorexic any day.
  8. If you can't push UP, practice static resistance as orion said. Don't flop down to the ground. Always let yourself slowly down. I found 4 points very helpful: 1) Regularity. You'll get fewer injuries, make faster gains and keep them if you have a regular routine. The more you cheat yourself (or I myself! ) the more painful it will be to exercise. 2) Technique: Get somebody ELSE to watch you. Are you straight as a board? (troso doesn't dip or arch up.) Are your shoulders level with your torso? Are you breathing?(!) 3) Intensity: Push through the entire length of the pushup. Control the entire way down. Breath. When you can't do any more, it's not necessarily time to call it a day. Your muscles need to replenish resources. 4) Counter balance your front strength. At first it's not a big deal, but as you build power, it your shoulder is increasing danger of being pulled forward out of it's socket.
  9. Not too many variables for me to answer: No. I'd get DESTROYED. Thanks for playing.
  10. And come on, haven't any of you seen the way young teenagers train themselves with knives? Their older peers who've been to jail show them a lot more deadly information than those stoned kids are going to get from here. Yea, some kid might learn how to break somebody's neck, but they already know how to curb stomp somebody to death. Think about it.
  11. Learn from your near misses. They're the easiest lessons in emotional control you can get. Remember then and use the cogntive state as a mental model around which to train your self-control.
  12. That's a good metaphor. People can pick up the subtle hints that the person they're facing may be "huge", or at least a damn sight bigger than they expected.
  13. Not necessarily. There are steep experience differentials. I do however recognize your point, that merely being desperate does not mean you've optimized your fighting style. Fighting to the death, or the focus on mortal combat, fosters the understanding of what that actually means. It means you don't lead with a left hook, but a sword slash. You don't touch gloves, you emerge from darkness to stick the spear in their back.
  14. Dude, those guys go out of their way to be dangerous. Those are cyborgs; TRAINING, ELECTRONIC PERCEPTUAL ENHANCEMENT, MODERN PROTECTIVE GEAR, and GUNS. Ninja vs UFC warrior is a different matter. UFC fighters are athletic warriors, but they are not assasins. He who fights most unfairly, wins. The modern Special ops warrior is so unfair it just isn't any fun.
  15. That's exactly what it's all about. I found my greatest strength gains occur when I really focus my mind on the technique. It allows you to apply greater power when you are really tired.
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