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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shaolin Kempo, Brazillian Jiu Jitsu

Biskit's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Hi everyone, A friend of mine who recently moved from Korea asked me if I would like to spar with her! She is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do from what is probably a very intense school in Korea (Seoul), and I have a white belt in BJJ and an orange in Shaolin Kempo. This fight would just be for fun, no one getting seriously hurt of course. I'm trying to work on a good strategy, or find tips to play to my advantages to this fight. I don't know much about TDK, but I understand that there are lots of very fast and powerful kicks (which I must admit I am terrified of!) It seems pretty logical to try and get inside her kicking range and take her down ASAP, but I'm not sure how this would work out. (I assume TDK does not have any ground techniques?) If you were in this fight, what would you try to do? ANY tips are very much appreciated! It would also be interesting to hear from anyone who does TDK what their strategy would be if they were fighting me, so I know what to look for! Thanks!
  2. *First off, sorry if this is in the wrong section. I didn't know where else to put this one...* Hi everyone, Recently I've come across an Irish Martial art called Bataireacht, a form of stick fighting. I watched a video of it ( ) and it reminds me of kali a little bit. But anyway, here's why I'm interested.Right now I'm a BJJ and Shaolin Kempo student, but I would also like to get into some weapons training. They do offer Ignacio Kali at my school, but after seeing this I think I would prefer it. I'm Irish, and unfortunately where I live there is a very small Irish population. The only cultural center we really have here is a small shop downtown, run by an Irish woman where we organize events and meetings. We have to teach ourselves how to speak Irish. So clearly, I'm not going to find a Bataireacht school anywhere nearby. Do you think it would be worth it to try learning by books, or online lessons? Does anyone have experience with this art? Any information would be appreciated, thanks!
  3. Alright, well good news I told my mom what ps1 said, and I think it really made her think about it. She agreed to let me compete! I had a great time at the tournament, and got second place! I think especially after my mom saw it she realized how good it is to know, especially for girls. She even asked if I could teach my sister some BJJ! Thanks for all the advice, and you all have valid points. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I'm a 14 year old girl (almost 15) that does Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. I have a tournament tomorrow, but my mom and I are having a disagreement. As I'm sure most of you know, BJJ is a very close contact, wrestling art. My mom has decided that it's "innapropriate" for me to be training with boys/guys in BJJ, and she may not let me compete if I have to fight a guy. In my opinion, I think that's ridiculous. Yes, it's a close contact art, but there's no need to think it's innapropriate. We're competing, and we're not going to have innapropriate thoughts. My mom just keeps saying that it's not appropriate to fight the guys! What is your opinion on this? Does anyone know how I can convince my mom to change her mind?
  5. Hi everyone, So my tournament is on Saturday, and I'll be leaving the house around 9:30. I could be there until 5pm! So what should I have for breakfast? I'm estimated to have my first fight around noon, but I'm getting there at 10 to watch, and be there in case I go early. Should I eat before I leave home, or at the tournament before I fight? I am a vegetarian by the way (not vegan, just no meat.) So I'll probably be there for lunch too, what/when would you guys reccomend I have? Also is there anything I should be snacking on between matches for energy or something? Thanks
  6. You can check it here : https://www.netforumondemand.com/eWeb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=SooBahkDo&WebCode=OrgSearch I think you put a % or something i dunno
  7. Hi, So right now I have the really bad gi that I got for free when I signed up for my school, and it's really annoying with those little strings you have to tie, they always come undone or bunch up and mess up my belt! So I've been looking for a gi that: Is durable I can train in for both BJJ and Kempo! Won't get too hot in kempo with it, but is strong enough for BJJ I think a black gi would be cool VERY PREFFERED that there aren't the annoying strings(on the top) Also, I was looking at tigerclaw.com and it looks like they have light, medium and heavyweight gis. I'm not sure if medium or heavy ones are what I was looking for because I've never bought a gi before! Any recommendations would be great! Thanks!
  8. In my opinion, kempo and JJ are two great and defensive arts, I study both. I do Shaolin Kempo which is EXTREMELY effectice in real fights. We learn kempos, some forms, but a TON of self defense techniques. Like we specifically learn what to if someone grabs your wrist, tries to choke you, tried to hit you with a club, etc. Then if something happens and the fight goes on the ground (which is likely) BJJ comes in and is equally effective. In my opinion, and I'm sure many will disagree and agree, TKD is not the best for self defense, although it could depend on which type you take. However, it's very fun and can work in real fights, just not as much IMO. Don't let that discourage you though, if you want to learn TDK go for it Plenty of people disagree with me and think it's great
  9. Welcome to the forums I don't know much about self training, so I'll let others answer that for you. Just wait a while and you should get some good answers
  10. Well this might not be what you're looking for, but the other day my friend and I were in the pool and decided to practice jiu jitsu! It was really fun, but I don't know how well karate would work!
  11. I don't really think so. I train all the time and work really hard, and I hate to admit it bothers me but there are some kids a few years younger at my school who have black belts in a different art and dojo that in my opinion is... easy? Kind of a Mcdojo. Anyway it bothers me because I've seen them showing off all the time and they really aren't very good :/ Then they always come up to me and say "HA you don't even have a black belt!" When I train harder and larger, I just go to a school where a black belt is a HUGE achievement and takes many (6- years to achieve! That felt good I feel better now haha
  12. Thanks for responding! The tournament is on June 17th and 18th(Don't know which day I'll be going yet)
  13. Thanks for the AMAZING advice everyone Very helpful! Anyone else who has something to add please do though! Thanks again
  14. Hi everyone, So a long time ago you may remember that I posted here, about to start Shaolin Kempo and very nervous about it Well now I love my dojo, am a yellow belt, and also study Jiu Jitsu So a local tournament is going to be held where I live for all ranks (they grouping by rank age and weight) and I am going to enter I will be doing girls age 14-15 point sparring! My dad is a brown belt in Kempo Karate and is going to help me prepare too. Now this is my first ever martial arts tournament, and I really have no idea what to expect or how to prepare! So I have a few questions: How should I prepare? Just spar with my dad every night? Should I go over my actual class material? How often should I be practicing? Can anyone share some good techniques they use to get points? Does anyone have general tournament tips? What should I do/eat the night/day of the tournament? (I am a vegetarian) How can I make myself less nervous at the tournament?(I know I will be!) Thanks for all your help!
  15. Hi, Well I'm a white belt in Shaolin Kempo, but I'm going to be a yellow belt in about 2 or 3 weeks! So I wanted to look up some videos that I could use to help brush up my techniques inbetween classes. My friend was telling me about these videos on youtube made by some school in Virginia or West Virgina (He thought the name started with a k?) that had really good lessons, but I can't find them! Does anyone know where I can find these videos or other Shaolin Kempo lessons? For example some of the moves I'd be looking for: 1st Kempo, Combination 6, Palm heel strike to the face, side blade kick... PS I saw some vids on youtube by a guy named Jim Brassard, but they are NOT what I'm looking for, they're different. Thanks everyone!
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