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dave_pfc's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  2. Thank you for your concern regarding health and hygiene!
  3. he's not blocking correctly then. when being attacked Jodan by your sparring partner or whoever the proper block is jodan age uke which is to have your forearm at an angle like so http://www.3battleskarate.com/images/jodan%20age%20uke_lg.jpg when blocking Chodan the right block should ALWAYS connect with the wrist and not the hand and when counter attacking you sweep the opponents fist across their body so you have access. learn Chudan age uke correctly and you won't get hurt [/url] Yeah as Toptomcat said, you cant apply perfect blocks in full blown sparring. You just have random punches and kicks coming at you. Some people bruise, some don't. Unfortunately I'm part of the former. Got some pads sorted out so I'll see how they go tonight. Think I'll have to visit the doc soon as my right forearm is still really bruised. I haven't been for two weeks.
  4. I'm not worried about sparring, it would just be nice to come away without cuts and bruises, therefore padding is probably the best short term solution.
  5. Yeah, literally no protective gear for general kumite. What's knockdown style? It's just a bit strange that I'm the only one that suffers from it. In Kumite we have to avoid the head and groin but can hit anywhere else. Thanks for the link to forearm guards. I think I could only get away with soft padding rather than a hardened guard. Maybe something like a sleeve would do the trick as long as it doesn't slip off. Might get some of that Tiger Balm on the go in the mean time!
  6. Someone at my dojo must have washed his gi with colours because his is grey!
  7. Unsu at the moment but I've got about 15 more black belt kata's to learn
  8. I've just got a normal karate suit
  9. I assume this subject is rarely discussed but I was wondering if there's anyone that suffers from cuts and bruises during/following Kumite sparring sessions. Although I prefer Kata's I don't mind sparring but my forearms and ankles are quite skinny so I really seem to suffer from cuts and bruises during Kumite. It's getting to the point where I have to leave Karate out for a week so the bruises heal as it can get quite painful. It's down to a combination of people blocking my punches/kicks and my punches and kicks being blocked. As there's not much muscle around my forearms and ankles, when someone blocks my attack they are just hitting pure bone so its quite painful. If I get hit on the chest, upper thighs or upper arms its ok as I have a good bit of muscle there. When people block a front kick hard on my ankle it really canes too. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem and if there's any solutions. I probably need some protective padding round them (not sure if this exists) but the arms of my karate kit stop half way down my arms so the padding would show. I wouldn't mind wearing padding but know one else does so I don't want to look the odd one out but perhaps I have no choice. Cheers, Dave
  10. Got a silk embroided black belt from Tokaido in the end. Really impressed with it. Took over a month to get here though
  11. Isn't that just Austin Powers that said 'Judo Chop'!?
  12. This is an excellent example of the full power Mawashi (knee from side) by Kagawa sensei of the Japan Karate Shoto-Renmei BTW even in my prime (and I am well past it now ) I wasn't able to get anywhere near this guy's standard. He is awesome. WNM That's insane, even the fact he can hold his leg up at the guys face
  13. Thank you I'll look him up. Definitely not looking to give it up. Hope to crack it gradually
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