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  • Martial Art(s)
    Iwama-Ryu Aikido
  • Location
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Computers, Books
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Insanity's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. "If weight lifting is bad, and makes you slower, can anyony explain me why was bruce lee still so fast doing a great amount of weight liftings?" Bruce lee from my knowledge lifted heavy weights at low reps at the start then went on and did light weights and high reps this is why he remained roughly the same size but had a great increase in strength. i think thats it. please correct me if anything is wrong
  2. My question is that in WC they punch with the bottom three knucles, but wouldn't you break some if you punched someone or something hard? just curious. do they condition them or something to make them harder?
  3. Hey there i was just wondering if there was a difference between working out (like 10 or 15 minutes of pushups and situps etc...) during the morning when you wake up or before you sleep??
  4. What do you guys think of the Wing Chun stance, dont know what its called but its where they havew two legs apart like a triangewith two hands in front of them. its looks pretty dodgy to me(no offence), what does everyone else especially WC practitioners think of it. To It looks unstable, exposes more area to attack, makes you less mobile etc...
  5. Well, i am no grappler. but what i'd do is grab the guys hair then bend forward, make sure you grab his arm and have your lkegs in the right place. or you could try to grab his ears and pull it, believe me its f*cken painful! or i suppose you could wait till he let goes and then beat the Sh*t out of him or jsut conduct an ambush of your own, and put him in a uncomfortable position, like a lock and keep iyt that way untill he starts begging... hehe that was just what i'd do, dont know if it works (please give your opinion if you want). remember "if its stupid but it works, then its not stupid"
  6. MMM, i have a friend that got his shodan in shotokan recently, he has been doing it for 6 years he says. I have seen him spar(not a real fight), with another guy who does TKD, he looked pretty decent, blocking and moving, he wasn't even trying. I think that shotokan is a decene style, many modern karate styles are based on it, what i dontlike however is that it has too many kata's, i dont know why people bother with them, they are boring. i'd prefer more practical stuff, like sparring and whatever, lol. Thats why i'd choose something like jkd. But this opinion may change over time, whos knows.
  7. "as a matter of fact, i do not reccomend aikido. i watch them train sometimes and i would never waste my time with it, it's pathetic. On the other hand, i would reccomment Brazilian Jiu Jitsu." Yeah, aikido is not a grappling art, i wouldn't reccomend it. Well as for grappling definitley do judo. for one thing its got my techniquwes than BJJ.
  8. He means that the iwama-ryu style puts alot of emphasis on weapons training like with the ken and the jo!
  9. Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone knew any methods in controling the adreanaline rush that we get in a street situation. I know of one called "Combat breathing", but not much on how it is done. cos ya lose this stuff when it happens (http://www.patiencepress.com/samples/OnKillin.pdf", best regards!!
  10. Helo, i was wondering what do some of you aikidoka's think of the iwama-ryu style of aikido. there doesn't seem to be many people that do it in the forum, so i wana see what people think of it! )
  11. i have to say one thing, some people say that 90% of fights end up in the ground, but they forgot to mention that 100% start from standing.!!
  12. hey does n e one know if at yudansha level the uke ( i presume this is the guy who is thrown), actually resists the techniques of the nage? cos right now at my dojo the other guy doesn't resist at all. and with the randori's do they resist or jsut let you throw them. its kinda like that at the seminar's i really dnt get y they dont make the attacks more realistic there.
  13. magikchiongson, i'd say your are pretty unlucky. well, this kinda shit happens. But if i were you i'd give the sifu the biggest F**CKen beating. Maybe you should give him a lesson... like sue him for sexually abuseing you or something... lol!! jk. Well i suppose next time you be more aware hey.
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