Let me start by saying two things. 1. I am in no way, shape or form employed by Tokon or by Kamikaze USA. 2. I am writing this because I used this site to try and find info on Gis before I bought the ones I did. With that said, I wanted to post a quick write up on the 3 Tokon Gis that I have purchased from kamikazeusa.com over the past 5 months. Ranked in order of awesomeness. 1. Sovereign - it kind of burns to write this as I really wanted to dislike this gi due to its price. I bought it with the full expcetation of trying it on and sending it back. I was pleasantly surprised. first of all I was able to order in a half size which is great for me as I always have a hard time fitting into a 7 and a 6 aint working. The uniform feels like what I would call Middle Weight + but once you have it on feels lighter though has a good quality snap to it and looks so good that I got a random compliment from one of my instructors. Drawstring pants, serious stiching on the jacket. it became my favorite gi of all time in about 3 wearings. 2. Europa- great heavyweight Gi, not much more I can say. great, not good. drawstring pants and the type of heavy stiching you would expect from a uniform of this weight. it looks very formal and has held up well to standard training as well as rolling/falling. 3. Dynamic- very good lightweight Gi, its what I wear when we will be sparring, the best way I can describe it is to say its closer to a high quality taekwondo uniform in weight and construction. As someone who trained and competed in olympic style taekwondo for many years please understand thats a compliment. The better TKD doboks felt like you were wearing nothing and all and dried in a heartbeat. thats all folks, feel free to reply to me directly or post if you have any questions.