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Everything posted by oceanwinds

  1. When I was little I took a ton of dance classes, but I was a real tomboy and was more into "rough and tumble" things. I loved watching MA movies and tv shows and begged my parents to let me do it. My dad found a school and joined it for a month to see how it was. He liked it, so they signed me up, too. Nineteen years later, I'm still involved!
  2. I think after being involved in Martial Arts for so long, I don't even question it anymore. If anything, it is "Why not train?" It becomes a part of you and your life. As someone likened it to breathing, I don't think about it. There have been more days than not, that I had trouble getting out of bed. Or when I have problems simply standing for any long period of time. But I don't regret anything, I wouldn't change my life. I can't change it now, it is so ingrained in me. If I didn't get out of bed for the rest of my life, I would still be a Martial Artist. So no, I never ask myself why do I train. I just do.
  3. I took some private lessons in Kenpo and with the bo, but after a couple of months I had to move out of the state. Where I'm at now, there are only three taekwon-do schools. There was a Gung Fu school (hence my question in the Chinese Arts forum), but when I called they said they no longer had an instructor (it was sharing space with a dance studio.) So I will stick with TKD for now (it's my favorite anyway ) I have spoken with the instructor and I will be taking special precautions such as no flying kicks, jumping, etc. I went to my first class last night. I originally was only going to watch, but one of the black belts offered to walk through some forms with me. I actually remembered Chon-Ji all the way through Po-Eun, Ge Baek, and Kwang-Ge (for those not familiar with ITF TKD forms, these are white belt through 2nd Dan black belt.) I was so relieved that I remembered them all...I guess it really is like riding a bicycle! Unfortunately, I can't go to class all next week, due to work, but I will be back in there the Monday after next. Wish me luck! Again, thank you for all the welcomes!
  4. Thank you for the welcome! My husband is in the Coast Guard and we move every couple of years, so I have had trouble finding a good school. I am glad I found this site...you're right, it is one thing that will stay "constant" in my life! I am only 25 years old. My leg problems started when I was about twelve. I just did too much at too young an age.
  5. Here's my quick intro... I started in ITF TaeKwon Do at six years old and received my 1st Dan at age eight. Yes, I was a child black belt, so before anyone gets up-in-arms, let me say I'm not sure how I feel about child black belts. I think it should be on a case-by-case basis. In my situation, my whole family was involved in TKD, so I was exposed to it at an early age. I worked out five hours a day M-F and then six to eight hours on Saturdays. Besides school, TKD was my entire world. I earned my 2nd Dan when I was twelve years old. Around that time, my hips and knees began giving me problems and I backed off of training some. Eventually, I had to stop training completely. I still stayed active with my school and local tournaments until my instructor closed his school and moved. A few years later, I began taking private lessons with another instructor who taught me some Okinawon Kenpo and a little of the bo (my TKD instructor did not teach weapons, so this was my first experience with it.) Unfortunately, this only lasted a couple of months because I got married to a military man and moved to South Carolina. Both in South Carolina and Alaska (our next move), I was unable to find a school that was more than just a "McDojo." Recently we have moved to Florida and will hopefully be here for three and a half years. I think I have found a good TKD school here. I will be observing a class tonight. My legs haven't been giving me as much trouble the last couple of years, so if all goes well tonight, I will be starting TKD classes again the week after next. Sorry, I guess that wasn't such a quick intro!
  6. Thank you all for responding. I think I am beginning to understand a little better now.
  7. I've never been around any Chinese Martial Arts schools and have always been interested. I recently moved to a new state and found an advertisement for "Gung Fu." Can someone please explain what this is? Is it just a form of Kung Fu, something totally different, or just a mis-print? Edited in...Okay, I've been reading on here and have found threads that say they are the same, just different pronunciations. Then I read a thread that said Gung Fu is the same as Wushu. So does that mean the same for Kung Fu? I am really confused now! Any help? Also, what are the main differences between Wing Chun and Wushu? I think one is more a sport, and the other is more an art. Am I totally off base here? I'm looking for a Martial Art that is more forms and techniques as opposed to sparring. My legs are messed up from TKD and I need something new. Thanks for any help... oceanwinds
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