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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan karate, taekwondo
  • Location
  • Interests
    Mastering martial arts
  • Occupation

RawHuman's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I don't know why but, russians eat raw eggs alot, i am like 13 and i eat raw eggs alot ( i work out alot ). I know eating Raw eggs will make you ''big and strong'' . EDIT: You will likely throw-up/puke the first time/ the next few times. Then you will get used to it.
  2. - The bible was originally called: ''Chuck norris and friends''
  3. First think what kind of style you are looking into. Maybe a style with deep stances, TKD has i thionk 70% kicks, Karate is more punching ( shotokan is a style i really recommend) .
  4. RawHuman


    Well thank you guys for all the info, i'm very thankfull
  5. RawHuman


    I have been intrested on following Zen-buddahisim, but i truthfully don't know how to start, where and start on what. I got inspired that Zen does not follow a ''god'' or like that. I believe that it will help on the way to a good, great life. Exspecially on karma. There are so many things i know i can understand, and discover with zen. I have so many questions i need to get answered. Deep questions and so on. Like for example: If i needed to use my ma learnings on a threat/attacker and so one for the safety and good of me and the people around me. I have been searching for the right religion for my whole life, and i just know that zen buhddisim is the right one to follow for me. And i hope i havent offended any one. And i am sorry for my bad english, i hope you all understand me. Thanks.
  6. i think that a stick weapon is more comtferble (sorry, bad english). As if it is less more dangerous for a person to use it / defend yourself from it. But it's more deadly than a knife if the person knows how to use it.
  7. RawHuman


    I was just wondering, is it a disrespect of honor to walk home from the dojo/to the dojo in my GI ? :S yes, a stupid question
  8. Welcome here
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