I've heard some people refer to the "Aikido Wars", with a West Coast Aikido (gentle, flowing, blend with your opponent, gently immobilize your opponent, hug your opponent afterwards) and East Cost Aikido (gentle, flowing, rip your opponents arms off). I think of the rap wars when I hear this...drive by wrist lockings and all that....Hyperbole, of course, but it does seem that Aikido has diverged into 2 separate styles, one of which is more internal like Tai Chi, and the other that seems closer to its Daito Ryu roots.... After training in Kenpo, a couple of motorcycle racing injuries made it very hard for me to pursue such a hard style. Once I turned 50, I wanted to resume MA training, and Aikido seemed to be less stressful on the joints. Living in California, I am concerned with a style ending in hugging. (My Kenpo dojo was tossed out of a tournament or two for excessive use of elbow strikes. Hmmph!) Anyhow, are there ways to detect Martial-style Aikido vs Hugging-style? There are three Aikido dojos close to where I work; one is very Zen, the other two are not. Wierdly, they are all non-profits, which seems as anti-McDojo as can be. (I like that.) Anyhow, I can tell serious Karate dojos from wimpy ones. How can I tell a serious Aikido dojo from a snuggle-bunny one? Thanks in advance, - Sam