American Karate does not have a history as such. Sure, it is only 30 years old, and there is no clear founder because it is a mish mash of styles. Not only that... one American Karate style can be completely different from another american karate style, so trying to track down a common history is hard. IMO american karate came into being by people who had some training in the traditional arts when they were in korea, japan etc, but wanted to go it alone, or could not find proper training to contiue their education in the traditional arts when they returned home. So with out access to traditional arts they took whatever they could to improve themselves. Sometimes it would be techniques from traditional karate, next time tae kyon do, next time kung fu, etc etc. Mixed it all together and now you have American Karate. Is traditional karate better than American Karate? I would say neither is better. But American Karate has a short history and very little connection to the traditional arts, and therefore the founders of the traditional arts should not be referred to IMO when talking about the history of American Freestyle Karate. Not only that it is AMERICAN karate, why would you even want to try to trace a history back to the orient?