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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Poetry in motion. (it's interesting that the names are in Katakana) Great Stuff!
  2. It's very nice to recieve a warm welcome from various board members. Thanks
  3. Interesting. IMO, as you be come an advanced rank in any style, it is part of the training to help teach classes. If one should ever reach the sensei level, they will have the proper training to teach their own students.
  4. That's just silly. That kinda stuff belongs in a kung-fu movie.
  5. In California or at least San Jose and the Bay Area most (actually all) of the Karate (Shotokan, Gojo-ryu, Shorin Ryu, etc) tournaments (that I've been to) are traditional. Kata's can have only the allowed Kiai(s). Kiai (the spirit yell) can also mean: *a fighting yell *a striking shout *a focus puff of breath *a focus shout from one's Spiritual Energy (*definition taken from Karate Terms and Translations for Cornell Watson's Martial Arts Center Gojo Ryu Karate Do compiled by Bruce A. Brunger) Yes, as others have said a Kiai should be short and loud. IMO, one should not yell out KIAI! The word KIAI actually means yell (a spirit yell*). If I told you to yell, would you yell the word Yell? Too many kids are yelling/saying KIAI instead of an actual yell.
  6. Cool, we've come from the same background.
  7. My son is seven as well. We (you and I) are both doing the exact same thing with our kid(s). I assist twice a week as well Mondays and Wednesday (my son's class). My son and I will be testing for 1st Kyu in August. It's pretty fun we've started together over 2 years ago. A lot of this stuff up to 1st Kyu was very simliar to Tangsoodo.
  8. Kanazawa Sensei is just brillant. I've gone to two of his seminar up here in Sunnyvale, Ca; just recently was one on June 28, 2009. At his age he still amazing; also his son a great karateka at 6th Dan. The Satsuma Dojo usually host his seminars everyother year http://www.satsumadojo.com/blog_files/f9bac28b36f73ff1427c3a7df180d2ff-34.php If you ever have time to go to one of these seminars, it is well worth it.
  9. Agreed! Tekki Shodan is a very hard kata to get down. Just staying in a level Kiba Dachi (horse stance) the whole time was an effort in itself.
  10. Nice to see insight from someone with a TKD background. Lyoto Michida uses Shotokan (quick and explosive) very effectively in Kumite and MMA.
  11. I studied marterial arts throughout my life. In the 80's I learned Tang Soo Do from my brother. In the 90's I learned Tae Kwon Do from my college roomate. Currently I've taken up Shotokan with my son. Glad to be on board
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