In California or at least San Jose and the Bay Area most (actually all) of the Karate (Shotokan, Gojo-ryu, Shorin Ryu, etc) tournaments (that I've been to) are traditional. Kata's can have only the allowed Kiai(s). Kiai (the spirit yell) can also mean: *a fighting yell *a striking shout *a focus puff of breath *a focus shout from one's Spiritual Energy (*definition taken from Karate Terms and Translations for Cornell Watson's Martial Arts Center Gojo Ryu Karate Do compiled by Bruce A. Brunger) Yes, as others have said a Kiai should be short and loud. IMO, one should not yell out KIAI! The word KIAI actually means yell (a spirit yell*). If I told you to yell, would you yell the word Yell? Too many kids are yelling/saying KIAI instead of an actual yell.