Hi All, I'm new on this forum, so be nice. Let me start by saying that I am a 1st degree black belt out of USSD. This thread breaks down to two things: 1) Who is Master Prosch and is he a real Master 2) Why does the instructor Academy cost so much 1) I really REALLY like the style. I looked around a lot before I started and I came here because of the style and the specific instructor. I have worked with Master Prosch over the last 4 years or so (in which he has been 5th degree the WHOLE time, so that 2 year/rank idea is not valid). He is an amazing martial artist. Scary good. When you test with him or have a class with him, you learn as much mentally as you do physically. He is absolutely worthy of the title. I would also throw in that he is a really nice guy. I have met several of the other Masters. Some nice, some not. Master Black scares the hell out of me. 2) The Academy. I have NOT joined the academy. I am already a SCUBA instructor and really have no desire to teach full time. The thing I really don't like about the Academy is that it is at that point that you REALLY realize that USSD is ALSO A BUSINESS. Whether I like it or not, it is. I don't like the business aspect of it. I don't like how they treat the red belts (Academy Members) as special people. I think it is disrespectful to those of us who really worked to get to where we are instead of getting into the Academy for advanced training. I do know that the insane cost of it includes all of your training as a martial artist. So add up your monthly fees for 4 years and that explains a little bit about why it is so much. All in all, I really like the style. I feel fortunate to have found the instructors I have (Casey Paiz and Andy Swart - Both 2nd Dan), and I know that the system works. I can't say as much for all of the instructors. Unfortunately some aren't as good IMHO. BTW: My son (8 years old, started at 4) is a 3rd degree brown belt (first of 3 brown belt ranks, they go backwards) and it has shown him so much more about himself than just playing video games would. Again, I attribute that greatly to the specific instructors. SO Master Prosch = Master Academy = $$$$ Yep.