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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Idaho, USA

JoiH's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. My quote on my signature tells my opinion...
  2. Ditto Yep...me too. I have trained in several styles, but stuck with Shotokan. It has been my first and most enduring love.
  3. That made me laugh out loud! I never get to hear martial arts jokes so this was a real treat.
  4. I totally agree. I wish this wasn't an issue in our world. Personally, I feel that if you are being attacked you have the right to defend yourself. It is easier said than done, but true.
  5. Very well stated- I totally agree. Karate has given me confidence and strength....both physical and mental.
  6. Good luck and have fun! If it helps, I found my Nidan test to be much easier than my Shodan test.
  7. Tiger Balm is great for sore muscles.
  8. Thanks for asking! I am glad that you and yours had a nice day...sounds very fun! As for me, I did absolutely nothing. My husband took care of our baby all day! I got to sleep in, train for 2 hours (I never get that kind of time just to train at home), got an uninterrupted nap, and got dinner delivered. It was awesome! Moms never get a day off so it was extra nice. And the sleep was a welcome treat. Sleep rocks!
  9. Sensei8...thanks for the link. As a stay at home mom I am seriously underpaid
  10. From one of the Karate mommies....thank you!
  11. Nice idea for a thread! I love getting ideas for classes. On Thursday I taught class while my sensei observed, and I taught the importance of chambering the knee for kicks. I usually watch my class during warm ups and try to focus on the techniques that I see need work. I also choose techniques that I personally need to work on as this helps both my students and myself. We also covered kata, but we do that every class.
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