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Everything posted by johnraj

  1. f**k a really hot girl
  2. i can't believe giants lost
  3. u don't need to be big to be strong
  4. Does anyone here play utopia. if so, WOL or battlefields
  5. it's a dumb survey but its kinda cool(and dumb) http://www.abduct.com/survey.htm
  6. for jumping i mean jumping standstill
  7. krav maga is good for defensive but moderate for offensive striking moves. weak against BJJ, sambo and other arts that is good in grappling.
  8. Can everyone type in how much they can possibly do. NUMBER OF PUSHUPS: NUMBER OF SQUATS: HOW HIGH YOU JUMP: AGE: This is just to know how much i need to workout.
  9. elbow strikes are not effctive when used inan are with a lot of muscles like arms and legs. would be nice if used instead of an uppercut or below the rib cage in a 45 degree angle.
  10. whenu study martial arts your mind willbe free and your blood circulation would be faster. because of clear mind, u will have a really low temper and your mind will be sharp. because of good blood circulation, you will be able to move your arms and legs quickly. your power of sensing attacks will increase and your aura shines brightly.
  11. a good stance is when one hand is held back for defense and one for offense and the same with the legs.
  12. there is no techique that is the best. everytechique has advantages and disadvantages. but generally, almost all leg techniques are superior compared to hand techniques except for the three hole pu nch.
  13. to prevent fightinh in floor donot use your foot when attacking opponent. use only your hands and don't stay in a place. bjj teaches people to bring someone down when they are not in motion. whirlwind strike is a good technique to ese against a bjj
  14. smabo is a russian martial art and u can study that to have quick reflexes. can take out any person who is armed. brazilian jiujitsu could also be a good choice.
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