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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kyokushin, Ashihara, Goju Ryu

Espina's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. I weight 210 pounds and my "Kombat" gi has worked for me for about 4 years. kombat is a costarrican brand, which now costs around 50 dollars
  2. Hi all, I've recently found a Central American gi factory. They even have WKF approved gis. I'll give more information as soon as possible, since I'm still looking for it.
  3. Hi, Well, as you might have read above, we are currently in Costa Rica . I've never been in Michigan before, but I'm totally looking forward to travel to other parts of the world to practice karate.
  4. Shihan Ramon Lono Ancho used to say: "If problems are here, try always to be in the opposite direction" "I don't teach you to be fighters, but Martial Artists". "If you must get in a fight, make sure the other one goes to the hospital and eats with a straw for a few months". "Stop hitting when you are sure the other guy won't stand up again" "If a fight longs more than 1 minute, it's a real trouble". Once I heard Master Demura taliking to my sensei: Merinoi: but master, Demura, my dojo is little... Demura:"A Dojo doesn't need to be big. It needs to be full"
  5. I'm getting my Engineering degree next week, and let me tell you something: it is possible to practice a martial art and go to college . I'm the living example and I'm sure there are many more (In fact, one of my teachers is a third dan karate black belt) Just bear in mind that this demands a lot of time an discipline from you, since you have to give your best in school as well as in the Dojo. Since you already have a black belt in your waist, you should have a really good background for practicing other martial arts. Remember that you can always go back to TKD anytime you want, but I recommend the experience of practicing another martial arts (as other people here suggested). You won't "forget" your TKD, nor diminish your TKD training for practicing another MA, I think that what will happen is just the opposite: you'll grow as a martial artist and will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge. I wish you the best of lucks in your college and in your martial arts.
  6. Are they for Kata or for kumite?
  7. The groups is pretty big, we are like 20-25 active dojo members. Ee have classes everyday, except sundays, and there isn't any differences for skill levels.
  8. We train in Barrio Amón (Downtown San José). The dojo is located 50 meters north from the northwest corner of the INS building. You can contact my sen sei at this address: contacto@merinokaratecostarica.com All you can call him. His phone is 83782119. Oh, and our website is http://www.merinokaratecostarica.com/index-en.html Osu!
  9. I was born in Peru, and let me tell you something... there is nothing better for high grounds than coca leaves
  10. I remember, when the dentist took out of me 4 teeth that acetaminophen is not a good idea when you are bleeding, since it makes harder for the blood to get solid.
  11. I passed away hehehhe. I laid conscienceless over the filed for a couple of minutes and then I woke up, not knowing where I was or what happened to me... until I started to feel the pain again heheheheh. I don't wish this to anyone, not even an enemy.
  12. My Sen Sei bases his decision to let someone make an exam based on the following: 1) Has accomplished all the minimum hours of training required for the particular grade (the higher the rank, the more class hours you need) 2)Has accomplished the minimum time in the particular belt (for example, you need to spend at least one year in brown belt before moving to the next one) 3)He/she has the technical level to win the exam. My sen sei never sends someone to make the exam without knowing he/she is going to pass it. You must be "over ranked" to do you next-belt exam.
  13. With all due respect... yes, I think that was very dumb hehehehehe. One time I was playing soccer (as a goalkeeper) and basketball with my high-school team, so my hands used to be pretty hurt all the time, specially my fingers. One day playing soccer another guy kick my hand while I was trying to grab the ball. He hit me in my small finger of my left hand. I was so scared when I looked at my finger and found it pointing the other direction... I tried to relocate it, and then I tried to convince myself that nothing bad happened. Now a days I'm not totally capable of moving it hehehhe, I didn't want to go to the doctor. Now I regret a lot. Maybe I could have use of mi pinky finger.
  14. I don't like taking pills either, but sometimes they are good, specially if you have to continue training
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