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Everything posted by Grego

  1. I definately want them to attack first, so I have some legal defense when I bust his face.
  2. There is away around this. Take my sensei, for example. He left the United States Chito-ryu federation because they wouldn't let him teach for free. He is still technically a member, so they allow him to test. They actually offered him Godan to come back in the federation full time (major civil war in the Chito-ryu federation, and split three ways), but he just didn't wanna get stuck in the politics. Anyways, you can be the head of your own organization and still be a member of, and test out of, your original organization.
  3. With youngsters, you gotta keep in fun. That in mind, you could play a game of Simon Says. Call it "Sensei Says", and use it to work on stances and whatnot.
  4. I agree that 3 yrs old is too young for Martial Arts. I mean, I've seen 3 year olds that weren't potty trained. I don't have any advice for you. You're a saint for trying to teach a group of small children martial arts. However, I don't think that your dojo should be a child's first exposure to a school-like setting. Perhaps all the kids should be in school before taking karate?
  5. Chito-Ryu
  6. I use kicks alot when dealing with an opponent that outranges me. I'm only 5'9, so when sparring people with a greater reach, I have to use what is available to me.
  7. RW's post. The striking portion of US Army combatives incorporates alot of Muy Thai moves. I tend to not have any trouble seeing their kicks coming, because of the placement of their hands. The kicks are powerful, but I generally am able to avoid them.
  8. My style emphasises staying in the same stance, and being able to transition between kicks and punches without giving your opponent an indication to the technique you're about to use. I've sparred alot of Mixed Martial Artists who do what you described. I prefer seisan-dachi to spar, because you don't have to change stances. I am able to kick without moving my upperbody at all.
  9. well, I'd say 10-12 students per blackbelt would be ok. If that. My sensei won't take on more than 8 until he gets me to brown belt.
  10. So he teaches Shotokan, but certifies them in his own style, rather than Shotokan? sounds kinda weird, but he could easily say that he's teaching a "shotokan hybrid" that he could certify on his own.
  11. Tallgeese, the army does something like that. We're big on taking a break every hour or so.
  12. I think the reason why MA's aren't more closely regulated by the government is that they don't see them as a credible threat. I disagree with that assessment, but if the government thought that teaching martial arts were a nuisance to the public, you can bet there would be alot of schools shut down.
  13. The oldest trick in the book for creating an opening is to jab to the face. It works against junior belts about 90% of the time. After you get a bit more seasoned, you find that the counter-attack can be a karatka's bread and butter. Every attack creates an opening in the attacker's defense. Keep that in mind, and you'll do ok. My problem when I spar is that I'm TOO aggressive. I come in like a freight-train, and I end up getting popped. Also, in junior ranks, the more aggressive normally wins
  14. my classes are two hours or so, maybe longer. However, when you have people that do Karate during free time....well, its alot easier to find two hours twice a week than it is to find four hours once a week.
  15. The first time I tested, I wasn't even told that I was testing. My sensei called for all of the white belts to line up. We went through Ju Ni Waza, and he asked me some questions. At the end of the class, he put stripes on our belts. After that, I wasn't nervous to test, since I'd already done it.
  16. i tend to block with a loose fist. In my mind, if I see somebody blocking open handed, they're trying to grab me. I don't want to give somebody that same window into my intentions.
  17. Pegasi, can you take away a student's belt? If I'm a black belt, you can't take that away from me. The belt is my property, and the rank was granted. I don't know if can be truly ungranted. The problem would take care of itself if sensei's knew their students better. ideally, you should know if your student is ready for the rank before you ever test them.
  18. Grego


    I was in a similar situation to you not to long ago. I'm not 40, but i've been out of martial arts since I was about 14 (I'm 23 now) Your state of mind is much more important that your state of body
  19. Frank Castle vs The Russian in Punisher (also in the comic book "Welcome Back, Frank") Obi-wan vs Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace Danny Larusso vs Johnny in the Karate Kid
  20. I actually missed the premier, but I already set my DVR to record it when it comes on tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
  21. congrats! I'm sure you'll knock it outta the park
  22. you're going as ninja, so you shouldn't get caught by the police or anything. Everybody knows that law enforcement is no match for ninja.
  23. METALLICA! I'm a huge Metallica fan. I love working out to either vintage stuff, or to St. Anger and Death Magnetic. There is a song on Death Magnetic called "My Apocalypse" that just rocks.
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