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Everything posted by fallenyuyu

  1. im getting alot of round kicks. are these high, mids or lows? personally i cannot do a round kick for life. mine is so weak that is sad. prefer front kick more than the round kick. however i do like the low round to create an opening for a back sidekick
  2. What do you most value in martial arts (experience, strength, speed, etc...)
  3. I fully agree with stonecrusher because if you’re at the point where you can do the "one hit one kill" stuff, then you need to learn self control and know when to stop. However I would not rely on that mindset though, because in case you take a power shot and you miss, you would have some delay time in your reaction time and god forbid even hurt yourself. Never rely on the one hit one kill concept. Only take it if you are 102% sure you can hit the target and hopefully end the fight with that move otherwise don’t waste valuable energy.
  4. Hey guys(and ladies). I was just wondering what is your favorite move(s) or combo. Be prepared to explain why ^_^ I’ll start off. As a student under goju ryu karate, one would expect my favorite move to be the front kick because … well at least under my sensei we are required to do 100 squat/front kicks each session to train our legs. My favorite move is the simple straight punch. Most of the time it is to the face because that is where it will cause the most damage a person … usually (you can train your body but you can’t train your face). Its fast, its accurate, and its powerful. I once destroyed my opponent in a sparring match with only my straight punch. Good move ^-^
  5. Great post encompasing a general effect of martial arts. Marital arts not only helped my attiude but also improved my stamina and my general health a great deal.
  6. Thanks White owl for replying too bad they are all too far from my home. I'll attend as soon as I get my car (2years T-T)
  7. i use sort of a shield and sword method where you mainly use your left hand to block and power shot or head shot with a right straight punch. Then have your backfist and back kick to cover yourself. The front kick always opener
  8. LOL poors you
  9. Hey I was wondering if theres any competitions located in NYC. I would like to join one before I reach my black belt. I prefer novice (my first tornament ) karate (Gojo ryu is possible). thanks
  10. Lol, I'm pretty ashamed of my leg work but its like everyone said its strech and practice. There is absolutely no short cuts
  11. I agree with alot of the things said in this thread. My advice is target places where mucle doesn't grow. For example: my favorite place is the face no matter how buff and big a guy gets he (or she) cannot train their face. Also target the back of the knee. If you get one good low roundhouse in that place, it basically destroys his moblity, but some people can take it so be careful. What I find that you guys forget to metion is the type of fighter you are. If you are the type which I like to call expensive fighting where you take hits and then hit back, you are going to be in trouble. But if you are good at deflecting energy or evading, then you are in good shape. The most important thing again is courage. Without it you might as well just take hits.
  12. Hey guys. Right now I am a brown belt in Gojo Ryu karate. Recently I figured out a problem about myself. I have no confidence in using my legs. The most I would do during a sparring match would be couple of front kicks and the rest are fists. Now my question is what is the quickest way of gaining confidence in using legs?
  13. Currently I'm a brown belt of guju ryu karate. I've took a peek at the other arts and styles but I guess I like stuff like choi le fut the best. Mainly arm work because I'm mainly an arms person. Also I'm am very stiff so i guess arts like choi le fut or hung kun is best for me, but hey if you have any arts perfect for the stiff guys feel free to reply
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