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Everything posted by nrspook

  1. I always ask if there are any MA gals out there...especially around Tampa. I wish 39% of my visitors were women!
  2. I wear a protective cup and a smile!
  3. All good selections...some of my new, recent favorites are "Blood and Bone", "Undisputed 2", "Undisputed 3", "Ninja", and "Ninja Assassin".
  4. 1st deg. Black in Christian Karate (TKD based) / Green Belt in Judo / White in Budoshin JuJitsu
  5. I also like the 3 prelims fight scene from Best of the Best 2. Tommy (Phillip Rhee) only got hit 3 times during the whole thing. Amazing!
  6. My school is pretty relaxed on uniform issues so the students pretty much have a choice on style and color. I like the V-neck pullover for forms and drills just because I sweat a lot and have a hairy chest. If the plan for the day is Jui-Jitsu, I'll wear a traditional heavyweight or Judo style gi for ease in throws and other techniques.
  7. I'd recommend seeing an MD so they can refer you for an MRI. I was having neck issues and numbness in my left arm...turns out I have 3 bulging and 1 herniated disk in my neck. The bulging disks go towards the spine and cause the numbness.
  8. I have a different opinion than most it seems...I've worn my gi to the grocery store, gas station, Wal-mart, etc... Now, I've only done this as I was going to or coming from class, but I view these moments as an opportunity to advertise and promote. I served 4 years as a military recruiter, and one of the best tools was wearing the uniform, so I see my gi in a similar light. As for "looking for trouble", I have never had anyone say anything negative - and in a world were every average Joe is wearing a Tapout or Affliction t-shirt, trying to look like Randy Couture or something...wearing a gi at the drug store doesn't seem that big a deal.
  9. NRSPOOK is just a login ID I use for a lot of websites because I'm in the Navy Reserve (NR) and I work in intelligence (SPOOK). But I do have two nicknames..."Papa Bear" 'cause I'm a stocky, hairy kind of guy, and "Mr. Incredible" 'cause I look something like him (I wore an Incredibles shirt once to Disneyworld and I had 3 kids come up to me like a character in the park...No Joke!)
  10. Even when I was an orange belt, I always had to spar with black belts because I'm a HW adult (5'10", 250+). Back in '03, I was sparring a young Jr. Instructor (I was 33, he was 17yrs old, 6'2", longer reach, great puncher). and he threw a spin back kick that I moved right into, and BAM! - right in the face. I broke the Orbital bone under my left eye, and to this day I still have some nerve damage that goes into my teeth. Of course, when I showed up at work with a huge shiner and told the story, by the end of the day it was told that I got my butt kicked by a six year old, white belt girl. Tough crowd in my office.
  11. My favorite is FIGHT! Mostly MMA, but the articles read very well (and they usually have some really hot women in it too!)
  12. These all all good ones, but don't forget Bruce vs. Chuck in the Colosseum - "Return of the Dragon"
  13. Welcome Aboard! Aim High!!!
  14. Welcome and Semper Fi, Kuma!
  15. Unfortunately I wear a size 7 to begin with...So until they start measuring belts in yards instead of inches, I'll have to take your word for it.
  16. School name on the right, name and dan stripes on the left.
  17. Remember the immortal words of Mr. Miyagi: "Belt means no need rope to hold up pants." Karate's in your head and your heart, not around your waist.
  18. Hello everyone! I just found this site yesterday and had to sign up. My name's Joel, I'm 38, work as a contractor at USCENTCOM in Tampa, FL and I'm a Chief in the Navy Reserve. I've been training for the last 5 years at Lee Jacobs Christian Karate Center in Brandon, FL where we study a mixture of Tae Kwon Do, Shito Ryu and Budoshin JuJitsu. I earned my 1st deg. Black Belt in Dec 2007. I also have a Green Belt in Judo from my college years. I don't have any questions at this time - I just look forward to reading your posts. Take care.
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