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Shotokan Student

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    Philly Pa

Shotokan Student's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Killer Miller, thanks for understanding. People have told me to ask lots of questions of my Sensei, but that's just not me. I do what I am told, so it was frustrating reading some of the comments here at times. Really these tips are just something for me to think about in my head as I attempt the jump, and I think they help. Reminds me of when I tried to learn golf and every time I'd swing I'd go through a checklist in my head. ps1, that shifting the weight is so important to tell people. When I started this jump a few months ago, my sensei said to just copy him, and I thought he was just jumping straight up from back stance. I looked like a frog until I found a great Youtube video where they guy totally explained the shifting weight. Felt enlightening. Thanks again everybody for understanding and helping me understand.
  2. Killer Miller, I just wonder what you expect of me. My Sensei wishes for me to perform Unsu. Do you expect me to tell him, 'No Sensei, I must perfect the other moves first?' I do as I am told, and ask for help where I need it. He believes I perform Unsu to his liking but remarks that my jump needs to be higher and I need to tuck my knees in. I am trying to see if anybody can help me grasp this move any better. Unfortunately I also feel the need to justify myself to you, but can't tell whose eyes are closed, yours or mine. Obviously I believe it's yours, but leave the door open to the possibility I am incorrect.
  3. Thanks for the encouragment. I don't like to let opinions get to me, guess I was a bit sensitive after reading some of the comments, but just another thing I have to grow past. sensei8, if you read this, was your knee hurt from jumping or other activities? My right knee has a big bruise on the side, just realized it's from the fall in Unsu. Just wondering if this form will be the death of my knee. Thanks for the link dwx, hope to find some help there.
  4. It's so disheartening on this forum at times. I mean, some of you are so open minded and helpful, but others seem to be quite negative. Really don't understand this side of martial arts. I've been at this for about a year now, and I do have the basic stances etc, however, I did not learn the terms for the stances. We have word tests every three months, but so far the stances were not part of the testing. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised at the negativity and egotism I sometimes run across in this art. I try to keep it as a spiritual growth aspect of my life, but it must mean something very different to some people. Thank you bushido_man, and others like you who have been supportive without trying to make me feel bad about learning.
  5. As for why I am doing Unsu, well my instructor tells me to jump and I don't ask how high, I just jump, so I don't have a lot of answers. I really appreciate all of your help. Haven't checked here in a while, so I have some new tips to help me along. My jump is better than it was before, but still have to get the knees properly tucked in and gain some height. Thanks everybody, bit nervous because I am participating in a competition in a few weeks. I don't like to let my instructor down, but sometimes I feel I don't look good enough to represent the school. Practice practice practice.
  6. Hey Sensei8, yeah, I'm just a purple and learning Unsu. I think my Sensei likes to challenge us. I love Unsu, but it also breaks my heart because I don't like to fail. People on this board are helping me do the big jump in another forum. This site rocks!
  7. Thank you so much! I'll look up those terms you used for positions as I don't know them yet, but that's really something I can work with. Trying to do it all at once hasn't made me any better, so I like the idea of splitting it up into steps. I've been at it only a week and am upset about how little progress I am making, but you're right, gotta do it over and over and over. Thanks to both of you for the advice
  8. Hey Pittbull, I don't know if you are talking to me or somebody else, but today your advice is really helpful for what I'm feeling. That's timeless advice really.
  9. Anyone have tips on how to make the big jump in Unsu proper? I am having trouble getting my legs up high to make the jump look nice. I can do the 360 but I look like a frog.
  10. Yeah, you are giving really good advice. I understand the part about learning to listen to my body. I've been really hungry all the time lately so I'm trying to eat more and drink lots of water. Thanks for all this help. Now that you mention it I do remember sensei saying to do the moves slow at home, gotta learn to listen better too!
  11. Actually that is really helpful. It's kinda hard because sensei says "practice this at home" and I feel I must do as he says to be a good student, but I like your idea of working up to the point where I can work out more often. I don't want to burn out. It's a hard balance.
  12. 3 to 4 times a week? That seems low but I dunno, I'm pretty new. I go 5 days a week to class and I pretty much have to since there's only 2 of us in class, can't leave sensei there alone. Plus I have to do the stretching and kicks and kata's at home. I just made up a daily schedule which looks pretty do-able. Maybe I'm doing too much but it still seems so little.
  13. Hey Plasma, I'm purple too and trying to learn this one. So far I'm only practicing the first two slow hand moves over and over and over. Is there anything in particular I should be focusing on while doing this to make it look nicer? I'd like to see video of women doing it so I could have somebody to emulate.
  14. I agree with Samoht. It's hard to imagine cutting back when all you want is to do more. I want to practice kata's, basics, stretch, cardio would be great if I could squeeze it in. However, with an hour class five times a week and work every day it's hard to do everything I want. Plus I'm exhausted. I'm going to try lordtariel's advice and split up muscle groups and trainings. Good advice but I wish you'd just tell me a magic remedy to give me more energy
  15. My sensai says to get from red to brown belt there is a 2 day test. I'm only purple now so I have about a year and a half at least till that happens. Anybody have any idea what a two day test could be all about?
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