I am studying Shaolin-Do Kung Fu. As a matter of fact I am taking my 2nd degree brown belt test tomorrow night. I do not have any experience in the other styles to be able to make any valid comparisons. I do know that what I have learned to date is very real and very effective in a fight. There are over 900 forms or katas to learn. We also have to learn forms from various other styles such as Tai Chi and Pakua as we advance in rank. One you achieve your 1st degree BB, generally in two years you can plan on your second degree BB in two years, your third in 3 etc.. Once your achieve 5th degree your called and Associate Master; 6th is Master and 7th is Elder Master. Our Grandmaster is a 10th degree black belt A good website is http://www.shaolin-do.com/ It will explain why we use the word "Do" in our name