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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Soo Bahk Do Moo Do Kwan, Tang soo Do
  • Location
  • Interests
    Music, karate, Women.. You know..
  • Occupation
    Music Teacher

Elliott's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thanks for the welcome, and the advice. i think what I'll do is increase my running everyday until it gets to be too much, and take it from there. I'll try the long run short run idea you mentioned as well. Thanks again, =]
  2. Hi, I'm Elliott. I took MA's when i was about 7, and stopped when I was around 14. And I took Tang Soo Doo, And late Soo Bahk Do. During my training I never really took up any running or weightlifting, I Trained at the Dojo After School for around 3 Hours everyday and that was it. Recently, I've wanted to get back into it. But I also want to train my body physically, doing things on my own to improve as well, such as Running, Pushups, Situps, Stretching and so on. On my own time. I've decided to run about Two miles, then come home Stretch some more cool off do some crunches and what not, everyday. My question is, What stretches could you recommend for running and the other activities I listed (I researched some but I would like a few opinions.) And secondly do you think that Two miles is enough, I just got back actually, and I feel as if I could do it again fairly easily so perhaps I should run farther? BTW. I am 16, and weigh about 125 or so. Thanks, Elliott
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