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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    American Kenpo Karate
  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Martial Arts - Aquariums - Law Enforcement
  • Occupation
    Tech Support - Student

guarddog's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Hey there: I have not been with my club a month yet, and so far I think it is the best. It is nothing "fancy" ie. polished wooden flooring etc, however the people are GREAT, the instructor also talkes to you in a way he does not make him self superior. He seems interested in what my past MA background is and shared his, etc. People are also very welcoming and helping.... especially to a new guy to the Karate system.
  2. Do most clubs have classes longer then 1 hour? My club has all 1 hour classes, but tend to run 1h to 1.5h...? Just curious Do you all practice kata and blocks etc at home? .... I'm new but I find my self walking around going over blocks and when to strike from the block etc. HEHEHe from what we learned in class.
  3. Hello fellow MA ppls. Just curious as to how much everyone does their specified MA here. My self I currently go on Tues and Thurs afternoons. (work every night) But starting in Dec. I will be able to go three afternoon classes a week when my sched opens up a bit. HEHE I am working on Friday nights thou as that class is mainly dedicated to sparring. (we do sparring like excersises in other classes) But a full class would be steller! Anyhow just curious to see how much people are addicted.. Mean enjoy their Arts!!!!
  4. guarddog

    Gi color

    The club I am a member of uses black GI's. (Karate) I personally like the look of the black ones over white, but only personal pref. When I did Judo some people had blue ones opposed to white most had. If I ever get into Judo again I would for sure want blue. Judo in style I tell ya.
  5. Keep in mind in Judo you are throwing people. A lot of grabbing of the GI and tossing them by the fact you have grabbed their GI. For that reason if in Judo they used TKD, Karate, KungFu GI's the GI's would be ripped to pieces. When I did Judo I wore a T-Shirt and it was unwarable after 1.5h. Where in Karate you are not grabbing people and throwing them about, so your GI is light and not as warm to wear. Different arts : Different Gi. I would not want to do Karate in a Judo GI. Heavy and would get hot after awhile.
  6. Hey there, I can't see that being a problem. My Kenpo Karate ins told me he did TKD at one time in life and liked it, however he thought that it put out un-realistic expectations of some students. He said that everyone is different and if you can't do a "ie. Roundhouse kick" for whatever reasons, then kick to a level that you can. As long as you are executing the kick right there will be somewhere on the body you can hit, even if its not as high. Another color belt in my class said in another city a Kenpo ins did his best for a student in his class that had a physical disability, and helped cater to that student by altering the way she could do some things. Nice thing with the American Kenpo Karate system is they study many things, and WHATif's. So you learn one thing and alter it accordingly to the situation. After all its common knowledge that you are not going to be attacked "if you ever are" the way you train for all the time. So I think you will do just fine in the Karate system. thats the schools I have heard info on anyhow. Everyone has a different body type, thus they are going to execute things differently.
  7. After attending only a week of classes I am sure I will be a student of american kenpo for many many years. Its also really cool because our club has 3 noon classes and 3-4 night classes. Working EVERY night of the week the noon classes have 3-5 students. I pay the same amt as night studnets and can get a lot more one on one instruction. Which is good because the night classes are about 15-20. so our noon class can move along faster, learn more new things, and practice what we learn more. I am just happy about coming back into MA after about .5 - 1yr off doing them. I was in a KungFu class that studied a mix but mainly was a Phillipine style that did a lot of kicks and strikes. I feel the Kenpo gives a good grounding in blocks, upper body strikes, and overall better rounded. Had to quit the kungfu though as it fell on my work nights and could not keep getting them off. But I think what I found should work for the long run.
  8. I think it has been a confidence booster and helps with concentration. (typo) also helps with fitness and scense of accomplishment.
  9. I would not mind the Band Of Brothers DVD set. LOL leave this thread accidently open for the wife to see. LOL
  10. I would not mind the Band Of Brothers DVD set. LOL leave this thread accidently open for the wife to see. LOL
  11. I found a lot of information out there online. No idea why I did not search for it being I do for everything else.. ? But found lots and have been told good sites by some fellow classmates. But so far I am enjoying it greatly. I think this club and art will keep me hooked on MA for good. Even thou I am new to this art, it is right down my ally, works with my work sched, and is teaching me what I feel is usful in a VERY friendly enviro.
  12. I don't know how you did not burst out in tears laughing. HEHE Anyhow I think at the age of 5 is it not possible he just seen everyone hitting this guy, and did not know the difference between kicking or punching? Maybe he wanted to try something different... I think when teaching 5yr olds, one must keep in mind they are in a whole different mindset and thinking then the rest of us. Apparently the Master/Instructer did not realize this.
  13. Hey Jim, My club what you do is give them 6chq but no contract. If for some reason I can't stay a member I rec any chq I gave upfront. That is how it is at this point anyhow. I don't know why anyone would want a yr. contract. Like you said, its not like your buying or leasing a car, etc. Its a spare time activity.
  14. I belive weights would help a MA person IMO. It builds you up, makes you strong. Even 3 days a week would help. But between doing MA and weights I think it is "to much" for some maybe? I think doing weight training thou is a good practice and do it myself. Almost forgot to add, CARDIO is also a very important thing and must not be left out. However MA training can help cardio in a big way, jogging, cycling also is a great thing to do.
  15. If you are not going to use weights, then running would be great. I am sure you could find aerobic like excersises to help tone, and build up strength. Still if you are looking at building your lags, weights would be given some serious thought as it will be the most effective. IMO
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