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Everything posted by Roys15

  1. Being about the age of the guy in the article, you might not like what I have to say, but consider this: you more knowledgeable and responsible adults allow us to babysit your children, cook your food at fast food joints, and drive cars up and down your "safest" streets, but you have a problem with us getting high up in a respectable organization, and teaching in that same organization? I suppose you'd rather have us hangin' out on street corners sellin' drugs and ruffin' folks up. You don't want us doing these things do you? so I have a serious problem with yall attacking this fellow for actually doing something good in an increasingly evil world. That being said, my sensei, Rayburn Nichols, always says that in our style there is no such thing as a "kid" or "junior" Black belt, and he has never discouraged me (or any of my peers, that I know of) from advancing in rank just because of our age. I've also never been turned down by an "older" lower rank when I offer to teach them something. I just passed my nidan testing because a 9 year old decided to help me. I am not embarrassed to say I learned something from "a mere child" in fact, I'm proud someone of his rank could find it in himself to help me. On a different note, just because a 16 year old hasn't seen 32 years of life doesn't mean that he's never been in a fight, or that he's never been in a life threatening situation. Also, if you're dumbing your style down for kids, you're not really teaching real karate, and if you're not teaching real karate, you're giving all of us a bad name, and ruining the sport for the whole world. With the above being said, I leave you with the following scenario: Perhaps every one over 3rd dan died tomorrow, with the exception of the guy in the aforementioned article, would you quit training just because he wasn't "officially an adult"?
  2. could the weapon you are referring to be a CHIZIKUNBO? Check the link below for pictures. http://www.weaponsconnection.com/page1.htm
  3. If you have to "fight" the dog, its generally best to get around behind the dog and put it in a choke hold or a blood choke. with either one of these techniques you can put the animal down without totally killing it. If worst comes to worst, as long as you're not on the owner's property, it's perfectly legal to kill a dog that attacks you. no matter what you should probably stay away from any dogs likely to go for you.
  4. do some research on sensei katsuoh yamamoto, then research sensei ray nichols and sensei mike foster, this will give you a good insight into the branches of chito-ryu yoshukai that have been growing in alabama and florida. Yamamoto was a student of Dr. Chitose, who gave him permission to start his own style, which became known as chito-ryu yoshukai I hope this has helped clear up some questions about chito-ryu, and if not research the names listed above.
  5. our kyu testings only last as long as a class(1-1.5hours), but black belt testing is an all day affair, is this average, how does this compare to your testings?
  6. how do you pronounce shito ryu?
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