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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Tracy Kenpo, Ed Parker Kenpo, My style-Aikikenjitsu
  • Location
    Puyallup, WA
  • Interests
    martial arts, writing, strength training, working on home
  • Occupation
    martial arts instuctor

aikikenjitsu's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. The name of my martial art is" Aikikenjitsu / Kenpo. I teach Grand Master Ed Parker techniques up to 5th degree black. My ground and all weapons techniques are Aikikenjitsu, which are my own invention. As of this date I no longer teach Aikikenjitsu techniques other than ground and weapons.
  2. And there's the rub, what might prevent one attack might provoke another. I guess one might argue that the attacks prevented by presenting oneself as a tough guy/gal, via clothing and body language, are potentially more serious than the attacks that come about by appearing this way. Ed I've never had any trouble wearing my logo out in public. I think it 's the way you act, carry yourself, and talk that may cause problems.
  3. I've had my black belt for years and I've never seen the need to "wash" it. In the machine, it would tear it apart. If it doesn't smell and you don't drop it in dog crap, then there's no need to wash it! The only exception being thatif it's very stiff and looks a little akward, then do something ab out it. Some brands are bette than others. It also depends on the thickness of the belt.
  4. How long the equiptment lasts and how it feels.
  5. The school I own is in Puyallup, Washington I am the Sifu, Robert Mc Dowell I teach Aikikenjitsu (the core is Ed Parker Kenpo)
  6. Anyone can be beated by someone, somewhere, so a Master is not necessary someone who can never be beated. I don't think that's possible. Sooner or later, if you keep fighting, you will be beated. A Master, in my opinion is someone who has done something that very few martial artists have done. For example: A Master is one who studies up to his art highest rank and spends twenty years studying and practicing the art. No one can truely master a martial art.
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