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Everything posted by shitosempei

  1. Sounds like the opposite of our previous Grand Master , Sensei Ryusho Sakagami (Shito-Ryu Itosu_Kai ). I don't think you'll find it written anywhere , but according to my Sensei , and our current Grand Master , Sakagami would hit the streets late at night in Japan , to test his skills against thugs and gangsters....
  2. I like doing my toe (calf) raises like that. Works good on one foot.
  3. Did yo see the Japanese copy or is there a subtitled copy out now too?
  4. I'm loving Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 and Mario Kart (the steering wheel works great!)
  5. So , you mean on non training days as well?? Seems a bit of an invasion of someones privacy. I can understand not drinking on a training day. I for one despise the effects of alcohol on others , and probably only drink 1-3 drinks per month , but would be offended if required to not drink at all , other than when in mourning.
  6. Definitely a must see! Really truly a Karate movie . No fancy acrobatics , no hidden wires , no computer animation. A real authentic feel. Beautifully filmed .
  7. Not that I have much experience with other styles , besides what I've seen at tournament , and read online , but I'm very happy with the Shito-Ryu that I have learned (I'm a Green belt).
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