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Everything posted by Ajay

  1. Hiya White Owl' This is not a karate question, but I just wanted to know, are you a Steelers fan? Ajay
  2. Hi Armanox, I suppose in a way, these movements are very similar to the movement in Heian Nidan (without the jump) where you have stepped forward and made an augmented block (Tsukami Uke?) then you have moved the back leg round anti clockwise to make a left Gedan Barai. I have seen this particular movement taught as a block to an incoming middle level punch and then, without a counter to follow the block, turn away to face another opponent. While I suppose there is some measure of merit in this theory, I am not comfortable with it myself and much prefer the blocking/trapping turning hip throw application which as I said earlier, if you added a little jump, you would have a very similar move to those from Heian Godan. Ajay
  3. Please note that my previous post is ONE possible explanation of these movements in Heian Godan. No doubt there are many people on this forum with different bunkai. Ajay
  4. Whilst in most situations, the (lower) x block would be used to block a kick, in this instance, I believe it is used differently. Before the actual jump is performed, there is a movement where there is an uchiuke type block performed in a cross stance. I believe that this is actually a grabbing action where you have grabbed your opponent, who has atacked you from behind, applied a joint lock (the uchiuke type movement) and then thrown your opponent over your shoulder, much like a wrestler's running slam and then driven your right knee into his abdomen while at the same time applying a strangle, (using his clothing as a lever), or a right armbar to the throat, this being the juji uke motion. Ajay
  5. Ajay

    Bunkai Clips?

    You should try Iain Abernethy. He has some wonderful practical ideas on kata & bunkai. https://www.iainabernethy.com Ajay
  6. Hi Shotokan kez, I presume that the point in the kata you are talking about, you have just done the yokogeri/tsukamiuke to left & right and are still in kiba dachi. Now, twist the body into a left front stance (if you were the centre of a big clockface, you would be pointing towards 10.00 with your left knee) at the same time wist your right hand in a clockwise direction until your open palm is facing upward, then step forward, still heading towards 10.00, into a right front stance and make a double palm heel strike, left hand high, right hand low. Now make a turn into a left front stance (again if you were in the clock, his time you would be facing 4.00) make a right hand ridge hand, arm fully extended with the left arm straight out behind and palm up. Bring the back foot to the front foot (feet together) and bring the back of left hand sharply under the palm of the right hand. There is a Kiai a this point. Hope this helps! Ajay
  7. Elite Martial Arts Academy Smethwick, West Midlands, England Shotokan Karate Kyusho Jutsu Bunkai Jutsu Sensei Archie Fieldhouse 6th Dan Chairman & chief instructor: Elite Shotokan Karate Association
  8. In Shotokan, the way Gedan Juji uke is taught is with closed fists and generally consists of a Gedan Ude Barai lower sweeping block coupled with a Tate zuki - horizontal fist. I like to teach this method as a block against a Maegeri front kick with the Tatezuki striking the shin bone (hence the horizontal fist) It can also be used to parry a mid level punch with the Tatezuki striking a pressure point just inside the elbow joint dirctly below the bicep. This can be very painful! Generally, a Jodan Juji uke is done with open hands and if coupled with a Tsukami Uke - grasping block, can be turnd into a very effective limb control/strike combination where I would probably use a kick technique and you could always employ Kyusho Jutsu striking to make it even moe effective
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