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lupus yonderboy

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Everything posted by lupus yonderboy

  1. Depends on the day. We typically work boxing and clinch on one day, and then clinch and ground on another. We try to split our training time equally among the three.
  2. Once, in the middle of a cage match, someone threw a pigeon into the ring with Forrest Griffin. He picked it up off the cage floor before it could fly away AND BIT ITS HEAD OFF INTO HIS MOUTH AND SPIT IT OUT..
  3. Welcome to the forum!
  4. Welcome to the forum!
  5. I'm getting some Twins stuff at a great price. But sometimes I wonder if its offical twins gear. How would I go about finding out?
  6. Hm. I didn't now about those offshoots. I think punching to the face makes kyokushin more useful in live situations. However, they need to wear gloves to protect their hands. Broken hands = not trianing.
  7. Fight at reduced contact levels most of the time. Fight full contact once every week or so. That is an awesome mix
  8. Muay Thai boxing gloves (Twins) NHB style gloves (Fairtex) Wrestling head gear (Brute) Mouthpiece (Everlast) Handwraps (Ringside) Towel (sweaty) Homemade Sportsdrink (Tea + Tang + Lemonjuice -- mix weakly) Timer for rounds (dollar store special) Two heavy sticks for escrima (axe handles cut to 31" length) Knee pads (Asics - volleyball style with gel) Body shield for focus mitt drills (Ringside) Folder full of liability waivers and a pen (Most important item here)
  9. I enjoy the show, but there have been many problems with it. They told people, in one animation clip, that the human liver is on the left side of the body (incorrect.) Then in a later clip they said it is on the right (correct). They also perpetuated the old "Shove his nose-bones into his brain" myth on an episode. Anyone who has had a decent anatomy class knows this is simply not possible. Other problems are the way Duff is always hitting people outside of the rules. That is really lame. But, I enjoy the show when I catch it on.
  10. I thnk boxing was far more interesting back in the day. To fight the nubmer one man in your weight, you had to first defeat the number 4 man, the number 3 man and then the number 2 man. There was no other way to get to the belt - you fought your way through the rankings. THAT makes boxing really interesting. You saw the guy beat Jim, You saw him beat Ted, You saw him beat Robert.. Now he's fighing Gus. He earned the right - now this is his shot. The way boxing works now is depressing. It is more about who the fighter knows than strictly what he can do. They will keep their money-fighter from fighting guys that they think can beat him. This makes the sport ridiculous. I think MMA, overall, brings more people around watching boxing. I do not think boxing suffers because of MMA. I think people who never would have watched much boxing become more interested in the fights find on tv - and mostly because they like MMA. They are great sports and complement each other well. I think the relationship is symbiotic.
  11. I think the term "traditional" is a misnomer in itself. Absolutely true.
  12. Western Boxing Greco Roman wrestling Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I'd call it "WhoopButt!"
  13. 1984 pretty much shaped my view of the world as it is. My politics are definitely Owellian
  14. Western Boxing hands are the superior method of striking. I think after a person has good western boxing hands, he should add techniques from Thai Boxing. Until a guy has good boxing hands, he won't be able to score well with his kicks against a good boxer. The hands set up the feet MUCH better than the feet set up the hands. A good place to see this is on the Straight Blast Gym instructional DVDs
  15. You have to be good at all ranges of combat. If up against a better boxer - grapple. If up against a better grappler - box. To keep the fight standing - you'll have to dominate in the clinch range. To take the fight to the ground - you'll also have to dominate in the clinch range. So a qualified fighter should be able to fight well in all three ranges.
  16. that is true , but what if the situation does not require kicking , then what?? this is were information from every source comes in handy Honestly, there aren't many situations that "require" kicking, in my opinion. When your arms get tied up, then you may have to kick, but other than that, I wouldn't say that kicking becomes "required." It is good to know how to fight in all ranges: kicking, punching, clinching, and grappling. Even when my arms are tied up, I'd rather knee than kick.
  17. For most people, kicks are not a high percentage technique.
  18. In my opinion, Bruce Lee was one of the first mixed martial artists. I think if Bruce were alive today, his JKD students would be doing something very similar to what MMA guys are doing today. The best example I can think of would be Straight Blast Gym in Portland.
  19. Yeah. That's a reaally stupid rule. Judging from your post, you seem to like things as realistic as possible. Have you ever considered taking up western boxing? It might be something you'd enjoy more.
  20. Actually, I saw that fight. He not only let the guy break his arm, but he also let him gouge out his eyeballs and dislocate his spine. The guy is a tower of fortitude.
  21. How do you guys feel about the unbelievable stuff that goes on in martial art and action movies in general? There was a time when I didn't like those techniques and representations of fighting - I wanted everything to be realistic. But now that I train in primarily functional, real contact systems, I can really appreciate the less realistic, flippy stuff in movies. What about you guys? How do you feel about it?
  22. Personally, I'd spend 70% of my time at the judo class, and 30% of my time at the JKD class.
  23. All aspects of the grappling arts are applicable and beneficial if you find yourself on the ground in a self defense situation.
  24. Straight Blast Gym in Portland has a great system Before their fighting classes begin, they have a combat conditioning class warm up.. People who want to warm up can attend the half hour conditioning class. They also tend to warm up with the same motions they will be doing in class that night.
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