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Molson style

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Everything posted by Molson style

  1. thai clinch. boxers basically learn to clinch just for rest.
  2. any1 ever watched adcc by anychance. that's supposedly a professional submission wrestling league with most of the best so there u go. btw does any1 here actually like watching sub over vale tudo,pankration, pride, ufc, etc. i like watching good sub wrestling matches that show good techniques sometimes. but it's just not as fun as a good old standup fight or any kinda fight with strikes.
  3. i personally love sparring ppl outside my style/school.
  4. it's fun but i havent played for the longest time
  5. i'm wtf, and like it. since i'm competitive
  6. there have been fighters with striking backgrounds and grappling backgrounds that have excelled in mma.
  7. sure u can teach yourself moves just by watching if u know what u'r doing. have to study a similar style and understand mechanics though. and need a training partner to spar, work on drills, etc
  8. fighttraining.com was pretty good but it's been suspended. hopefully it'll be up again soon
  9. it's survival jj according to here. http://fighters.itgo.com/N.html
  10. yes but bjj isn't a striking art. so u don't get hit. yes those subs do hurt and u get thrown pretty hard sometimes with the other guy landing on u with all his weight. i don't think u can go fc every class with out any padding, if u practice striking styles like muay thai. it's just too hard on the body, and u need to recover.
  11. sounds cool. if i ever come to montreal, i'll give u a call and check them out if possible
  12. my goal is to become the strongest in my school in less than 1 year. once i get there i'll set my goals a lil higher and win a few gold medals in various full contact tournaments
  13. nahhhh chuck will beat his ass.
  14. the special effects/blood fit the genre. it wouldn't be so cool if the reapers didn't look so freaky, or if frost wasn't able to be sliced in half and come back together like that. it doesnt really copy another movie's style that i know of. blade is definetly one of my favorite movie series, but then again i'm a fan of vampires, and supernatural fights. i know the fighting's a lil fake but it's a movie so u expect that, and it's based on a comic book.
  15. the sumos in early ufc were pretty pathetic. all they seemed to do was try to push their opponents and it was funny watching 1 of them slap around the punching bag. so i'd have to vote against them i don't really know much about sumo but i don't think it teaches u too much about real fighting against training opponents, just against guys pushing you and using weight. judo vs bjj:better guy wins, it'll depend on the environment. if the bjj guy's smart he'd rip off his shirt and the judo guy would go **** he's topless. judo relies too much on the gi while bjj practices gi/no gi techs, judo guy would have a better chance at ending the fight with a throw since judo emphasizes more on hard throws, while bjj guys prefer the simple leg shoot. if it goes to the ground bjj has the advantage, gi or no gi bjj vs jjj:assume they are even strengthed. i personally like jjj more as a style(neck cranks, small joint manipilation, strikes, spine manipilation) but bjj would know how to take the jjj guy to the ground and work from there.
  16. since i notice theres a 20s/40s club here.
  17. this pisses me off, atleaste i know it's still legal in vancouver/calgary
  18. it'll take alot of time to get big, and only ppl that are interested in sub wrestling would be interested, so i don't think it'll ever be that big. it's not like mma where it's a fight ppl like to see, most ppl get bored watching sub wrestling matches. maybe the real pro wreslting league would do it eventually https://www.realprowrestling.com
  19. i basically use low stances during grappling encounters/clinches, high stances while striking.
  20. i'd say lean back, u can create more power on kicks above the waist causing an action reaction, and it makes the opponent have to reach in to hit you. u can also kick higher easier if u want toi'd say lean back, u can create more power on kicks above the waist causing an action reaction, and it makes the opponent have to reach in to hit you. u can also kick higher easier if u want to
  21. sure u could keep training. u'll get weaker while u get older, and probably won't wanna compete. but a 70 year old mt guy could still kick some ass.
  22. different styls do it differently, some have more/less padding, rules, etc. and u just learn to take punches by tighting up at the right moment, body control, etc.
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