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  • Martial Art(s)
    Gan teora kickboxing
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will56's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Thanks for the replies. I had planned to use the weights to work on my kicks anyways but what I really wanted to know is if i would make any gains by wearing them during the day while doing normal activities. You see a couple of months ago I went from wearing runners during the day to wearing a pair of heavier (but much more comfortable) walking boots. I noticed then that when I went to traing in runners that my feet felt kinda lighter. So i was wondering if i would make bigger gains by adding more weight.
  2. Does anyone have any tips for improving dodging of punches when sparring. Im trying to come up with something I can do outside of class to to help get out of the way of punches. Any help greatly appreciated.
  3. I recently found some heavy velcro ankle weights lying around the house and was wondering how best to use them. I was wondering if there would be any benefits to wearing said weights throughout the day (I do a lot of walking around), maybe on a day on day off routine. Could this help or hinder me in any way??
  4. (Not sure if this goes in this board so feel free to move it if you must) I just got myself a heavy bag for use at home but i'm having some trouble in hanging it. No stores near me sell brackets for mounting it from a ceiling (which I need). Does anyone have any suggestions for a d.i.y set-up that I could make.
  5. http://www.smartgym.ie I seen this in the sports store the other day and was wondering if anyone ever used it or something similar to it. I was thinking of using it to add resistance for kickboxing training and to use it as a home gym. Any comments are welcome.
  6. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this problem. Recently a lot of the time when I move into a side splits I get a very uncomfortable pain from my hips to my knees. this even happens at the end of class so I don't think its due to poor warm-up. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. I was wondering if anyone could offfer a second opinion on this. I was in my first full contact fight (kickboxing) last weekend but I got disqualified before the end of the first round. Near the beginning of the round I was given a warning for one of my kicks being to low (barely below the hip). However 10 seconds before the end of the first round he threw a left leg roundhouse just as I threw a right and my foot connected with his groin . I was then disqualified for the low kick. My coach however, said I should have received a second warning and just lost, since my opponent had to be carried of. Has this ever happened to anyone else and do people think should have happened.
  8. When sparring or fighting in competitions what should your mind set be emotionally. I was wondering because when I'm sparring I'm generally blank emotionally but my opponents either look really angry or have fear in their eyes (I'm good at reading faces). My father who sometimes watches my classes says that I need to get emotional when I fight, that I need to get angry but I feel that this would cause me to lose some technique as I would e concentrating more on hitting them and not on how I'm hitting them. What are other peoples opinions on this.
  9. When in a proper kickboxing stance where should your right hand be. Whenever I'm doing pad work in class or sparring my instructor keeps yelling at me that my right hand is too low. I keep it about chin height, should it be higher? He also says this is the reason why I get so many bloody noses from sparring so any help on how to keep my nose in one piece is greatly appreciated.
  10. Even though its full contact we are still wearing the full protective gear monkeygirl i.e head gear, 12 oz gloves, foot pads, and shin guards. We tend to do a lot of sparring so i'm used to getting hit. Even though my instuctor says he will train us outside of regular class times I wonder am I jumping in at the deep end having a full contact fight for a first fight.
  11. Last week my kickboxing trainer told our class that he needed fighters to compete in a novice competition in march(we have been training since May, no fights). Four of us thought it would be good experience and signed up. What he neglected to say was that it was going to be full contact . Now I'm wondering wether or not a full contact novice fight is the right way to break into fighting. What are other peoples opinion on the subject.
  12. donn0425 What sort of routines did you do to gain that much weight. I'm 18 and need to gain more wieght as I'm too light. Could you post what you did or e-mail me please at william.leech2@mail.dcu.ie
  13. Thaks for the help. What sort of bulk will creatine give me. I dont want to gain much weight, But I don't like being skinny(it gets kind of depressing).
  14. I have a fairly full timetable during the day and I cant fit in the extra meals I need to help me get bigger I get roughly 2 hours off during the day and get dinner at 6 o'clock. Im 19 years old, 5'11" and 140lbs = underweight. I took up kickboxing during the summer and managed to get more definition and strength but now I want to build on it. I joined a gym and was given a program to help me meet my goals. The problem is I have an very high metabolism and I fear that I wont get any results from my workout. Are there any safe supplements I can take during the day that will complement my training. I dont want to bulk up to much but i feel that I should have some strenght to go with my height. Any help is greatly appreciated. P.S. Sorry about the lenght of the post but I thought the more you new the easieir it would be to help me.
  15. Thanks for the help but unfortunately switching isn't an option. You see when we train a round house using your leading leg is supposed to like a jab, fast with out a wind up. One of the combinations I have difficulty mastering is when you do a front kick to the stomach, then as soon as your foot hits the floor you spring it right back at head height. I can never seem to get enough rotation and instead of the front of my shin connecting, its the side.
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