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How many Karate Kid lessons are there?

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From The Karate Kid, specifically from the link you provided...

1) Concentrate

2) Look me in the eye; always look in the eye

Btw, you just want The Karate Kid, or things from the others or just from the provided link?!?


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Is it just me, or was “Wax on, wax off” a play on “Ren ma” (keep polishing)?

If it wasn't, by catfish, it should've been; most definitely!! Good call, there, JR!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Re: Polishing.

Words and theory are not a substitute for the physical and mental training required to polish one’s kung-fu. Yet, they are an essential part of the learning process, allowing the mind to process commands and concepts that help the body move in a special, kung-fu way. •Adam Hsu, The Sword Polisher’s Record; The Way of Kung-fu

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Daniel: Hey can you break a log like that?

Miyagi: Don't know. Never been attacked by tree.

:rofl: :bow:

I don't know about anyone else here, but Miyagi, kills me; right to the truth in both the most profound and humorous, as only he can!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Just before Daniel starts washing Miyagis classic cars.

Daniel asks "Where did all the cars come from?"

Miyagi replies "Detroit!"

I’m pretty sure Macchio said in an interview a few years back that he was given the yellow car from the movie and he still has it.

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Paraphrasing because I’m too lazy to look up and copy and paste the exact quote...

Walk on left side of road, safe.

Walk on right side, safe.

Walk down middle of road, get run over.

You either karate do, or karate don’t.

You do karate “guess so,” get squashed like grape.

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