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Back flexibility??


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Hi guys.


I was wondering if any of you have good ideas for increasing flexibility in the back. I have a pretty stiff back so I was wondering how I can make it more flexible.


I only know of two stretches I learned in Wushu class. One is standing away from a table(or any surface you can put your foot on.) and putting one of my feet on it and leaning back.


The other one is just a backwards kick. Where you throw your arms up over your head and kick one of your foot up at the same time.


I have been doing these exercises but I don't feel like I'm becoming flexible fast enough. :???:


Have any ideas?


Thanks Again. :wave:

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here's a one that i do for back flexiblity.......


lie on your back, on the floor with your knees up and heels close to your rear.


slowly lower your both of your knees to right side and hold for a few seconds and then alternate to the left and repeat. trying to keep your shoulders flat on the floor. then bring your knees up to your chest and hug them.


great for relaxation for a tense back or a stressful day.............






rushman (taekwondo moderator)


3rd dan




[ This Message was edited by: iamrushman on 2001-10-02 05:14 ]

rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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Very good iamrushman...yes, deep breathing is important also when doing that stretch it may help to pull the knee down toward floor with opposite hand while keeping shoulders flat on the floor.


Avoid over stretching too.


Here are a few other good back stretches for flexibility...




Lie on your back, hands at your side.


Exhale, complete pelvic tilt.


Push arms into floor.


Slowly lift trunk from floor.


Body is in line ankles with shoulders.


Stay in pain-free range.


Do not arch back.


Hold 10 seconds.


Rest 5 seconds.


Repeat 3 – 5 times


Wall Slides:


Exhale, do pelvic tilt.


Keep head and back against wall.


Feet slightly wider than shoulder width.


Slowly lower buttock, sliding down wall until thighs are parallel to floor or until pain in


back starts.


Slide up the wall keeping your back flat.


Hold 5 – 10 seconds.


Rest 5 seconds.


Repeat 5 times


Both of these are very good and a little more advanced for MA training...I also have some others that are good but rather simple.






1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing


(Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum)


It is when the student approaches black belt that the serious student discovers that he has only just begun his study of Karate


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-10-02 10:21 ]

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Excellent Ideas--------


I recommend all to do these and make sure to drink water :smile:



Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-

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:idea: don`t bend your back itwill be fine then!!! :grin: j/k!!

when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"

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welcome buddy but maybe stretch before doing something!!! :smile:

when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"

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I think that yoga is the best flexibility exercise I have ever seen. I do a simple "salute to the sun" (or surya namaskars if you want to do a search for it) slowly about 3-4 times and have improved noticeably. One called the dog pose, (my dog does this every day without fail!!) is an overall stretch for shoulders, upper back and heels. It starts from a pushup position and you just stick your ass up in the air, straight legs, make your body into an inverted V. Hold it and breathe normally. It will take a while before your feet will be flat on the floor.


The cobra, or bhujangasana, is lying on your stomach, tops of feet on the floor, hands under shoulders and push your upper body off the floor. The hips should stay on the floor. Lean back as much as you can (be gentle!) and look up at the roof. Dont hunch the shoulders.Breathe. Its a great stretch. I swear by it.


Keep in mind I am an amatuer, and it would pay to find more information elsewhere if you plan to follow this up. After all, you hardly know me!! :razz:

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For this stretch you will need a partner. Sit on the ground and spread your legs as far apart as possible. Have your partner do the same whilst facing you, with their soles on the insides of your calves. Grasp each other's wrists and have your partner lean backwards, pulling you forwards. You should feel this stretch in your lower back. When you feel you've reached your limit (be careful not to stretch dangerously far) tap your partners wrists and have them hold it there for 30-60 seconds. One vital bit of advice - never bounce when stretching or you will cause the over-extension reflex to kick in. If a muscle is being stretched in a dangerous fashion, your body will tense the muscle and so nullify the stretch. Good luck.
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