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loosing fat around the stomach


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a person can do thousands of crunches a day and produce the perfect 6 pack know to mann, but if there is fat around the stomach and there a large love handles then it covers up the stomach muscles and makes you look less than you actually are


i have been told that loosing excess stomach fat is very hard, and that solution to it would be aerobic excercising such a running and eating the right food, but is that all that can be done.


I have a small layer of fat and love handles around my stomach muscles which i would really like to get rid off, but how?



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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Cutt calories and increase daily cardio excerise. Start by finding out your BMR (base metabolic Rate) it will determine the number of calories your body needs to sustain itself at your current weight . Drop about 300-500 calories daily, while increase your cardio exerise(running, biking, skipping rope, etc).


Calorie counting sucks, but it is a nessicary evil do get that ripped up six!

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thats really strange??


i am sure i saw more posts than 2 in this forum yesterday,


oh well i will repost


i have a treadmill, so what do you think my daily training regiment should be for a fifteen year old 11stone 5ft 9 person be?



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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Personally I kind of like the camoflage. Tensing my stomach means that I can now take a full power side kick, or pretty much any punch (to the stomach) without any effect, I just don't look it.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Something must have happened because I recall myself, ogre, and Kickchick all posting response to this question.


There is no such thing as 'spot reduction' - you cannot specifically lose fat from your stomach, or thighs, you lose it from the body as a whole. You can lose fat by cutting your daily caloric intake by approximately 300-500, and keeping your diet clean and high in protein. You should also use your treadmill for cardio first thing in the morning since this is a time that you havn't eaten in 8 or more hours, and so your glycogen levels in your muscles are low. This will allow your body to use it's next sources of energy, muscle and fat. Use your treadmill 5 days a week before breakfast(using it too much will learn your body to slow its metabolism somehow) and go for either 20 minutes at an intense pace, or 40 minutes at a low pace. Also do intervals, such as 30 seconds of sprinting followed by 30 seconds of jogging. Mix and match all of those to keep things interesting.


So the keypoints in getting that visible six-pack you want are diet, cardio, and abdominal exercises - diet and cardio being the more important.


Good luck (again). :smile:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Yes, I had posted twice in response to you ad.


You saw my first one I'm sure regarding that you can't spot reduce by doing crunches to achieve a 6-pack.It's 50% Nutrition, 49% Cardio and 1% Ab Work.


In fact (get this!) researchers found that it takes 250,000 crunches to burn 1 pound of fat --thats 100 crunches a day for 7 years!!!!! :eek: 1000+ reps of ab work four days a week is an amazing feat of endurance, but that’s not how you get abs! You probably have outstanding development in your abdominal muscles. Unfortunately, if your abs are covered up with a layer of fat, you won’t be able to see them no matter how many crunches or sit ups you do. You "get abs" from reducing your body fat and you reduce body fat mostly through diet and cardio.


So I said in my second post (which is missing) that "great, you have a treadmill! So when is the best time to use it effectively for maximum fat burning. And that is first thing in the morning before eating breakfast. When you do it first thing in the morning, there are no carbs to burn, so all your body can burn is body fat! When you do cardio first thing in the morning, you haven't eaten anything for the last 8 or so hours because you were sleeping. So, when your body sees that there are no carbs to burn, it goes directly to stored bodyfat. And stored bodyfat is the fat that is on your body, which is the fat that you want to lose!


If you jog after breakfast/lunch or dinner, your body will just be using the immediate calories/carbs you have just injested. Kinda defeating the purpose no?


So doing cardio first thing in the morning (try 5 days a week for 20-30 min. jogging 2 miles or so), on an empty stomach, before you eat anything, is by far, the most effective.


Wow ... I thought I was losing my mind this morning ... so it's not me! I hate to repeating myself ... but this was worth digging out of the old memory bank!




KarateForums Sensei


1st dan Tae Kwon Do (ITF)


Cardio/Fitness Kickboxing Instr.


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-07-20 11:37 ]

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