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Look at the top fighters in the History of UFC and PRIDE and K-1. Most of the great ones were wrestlers. Don Fryer,Dan the Best,Mark Kerr,Frank mir.......on and on and on. Is wrestling the best MA?
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Don’t forget tank!


If Wrestling was the best MA, wouldn’t they have stayed in it, instead of moving on to other things? :wink:

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Well, wrestling (not including professional wrestling) is not exactly a glamorous career. I expect a lot of professional wrestlers used to be professional bodybuilders, but pro wrestling pays a lot more and is a lot more prestigeous. Likewise, making it big in MMA competitions is a bit more impressive than just being a "famous" wrestler.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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Please don't ask things like "which is best", which often leads to unsupported arguments. Instead, I suggest that you ask for details on the art's allure, advantages, maybe even some info on why those people would choose wrestling over a more traditional (and by traditional I mean Asian) art.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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Frank Mir is JuJitsu.


Frye used his boxing more than anything.


Severn couldn't finish a heart attack.


Kerr could have been SO much better.


That list is not exactly a who's who of MMA.

Trainwreck Tiemeyer

wishes he was R. Lee Ermey.

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And Busta beat Lindland (silver medalist at the Olympics).


And Frank Shamrock beat Kevin Jackson.


Wrestling provides invaluable skills for MMA, but needs to be supplemented with submissions and guard work from BJJ (for when you come across a better wrestler), and striking.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

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Johnny is correct, Wrestling is proabably one of the best bases to have wether you want ot be a striker or a grappler.


Wrestlers are very good at controlling their opponets. In pure stlye vs Style a wrestler can usually handle most people because of this their weakness is usally submissions.


most jiu jitsu or judo guys would still submitt a pure wrestler.


But teach a wrestler to strike and he is hard ot take down, teach him submissions and he can put you on the ground and keep you there. Basically wrestler are the best at dictatig the positioning in a fight.

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Wrestling is good cross training for, and an excellent base for, the grappling martial arts. And while not everyone has access to other martial arts, most schools from junior high to universities have a wrestling program. Makes an excellent way to start or to train.

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I agree for NHB type competition wrestling is a good base to start from. But I don't think you can call it the best MA. Different MA's work better in different situations, they all have merit.

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