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High School Fighting


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I just became a freshman and thanks to an ex karateka, the whole school and the middle school knows I'm a black belt. Well, a brother of my friend, who is a senior, decided to put me in a headlock from behind. I elbowed him in the face and then he smiled and laughed, then left me alone. The next day, we were in the band room with a group of guys and he said he wanted to fight. I said I didn't want to fight an immoral battle so after a group of guys surrounded us he pushed me. In my school, even if your hit first, you still get suspended for fighting. Well, I still don't think thats right so I defended myself and luckily, he didn't even touch me but he ended up with a bleeding lip. The next day, the whole school knew and treated me like a celebrity. :roll: thats not really something to be proud of. About 2 weeks later, some tae kwon do kid started punching me on the bus so I preceded to block. About five minutes later, I had my hand on my shoulder and this girl clawed me in the back. I turned and without any force or direction, I supposedly hit her with my elbow. I said I was sorry and asked someone to see if she was ok, because I had to get off. Her family is the kind that sues or tells the appropriate officials about anything possibly harmful or illegal. I thought nothing off it. The next day, the principal calls me to his office. Apparently, her dad called and some kids said I was "showing off kung fu and I hit her" Well, I didn't tell him I didn't take kung fu but swore that I would never do any attack without a reason and I did not purposely hit her, if at all. He then asked if I apologized, I said that I did, and he let me go without a punishment. I later found out that the tae kwon do person who was punching me said that he didn't think I hit her and that I wouldn't do it on purpose and said I was sorry. But he told his class that I did punch her so after clearing my name, I told some of my friends about this. What do you guys think about the fighting suspension thing? Is it ok to fight in defense if you can't get away? Any advice in general? I know it sounds fishy.......
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IMO, yes it's ok to fight if you can't get away. i think the courts in the US will support this assertion. nowhere is any court going to say "hey guess what, you were supposed to sit there and let the guy pound/stab/shoot you!"


however, you will have to deal with the consequences. hopefully you will be able to avoid a fight (and hence, a suspension) entirely, which is an admirable goal. however, if push comes to shove, and you are backed into a corner, then by all means use whatever is at your disposal to end the fight quickly.


i think the reason alot of schools suspend both parties is because there's always going to be a 'he started it! no, HE started it!" type thing going on, even if not by you and the person you fight, by some friends, etc so instead of trying to sort it out (and who really can, other than the ones who were there?) they just suspend you both in an attempt to discourage fighting at all.


keep in mind that you may win more respect, and have a pretty good defense to the suspension, if you are far more skilled than your opponent and can end the fight without serious damage.

"It is not how much you know but how well you have mastered what you've learnt. When making an assessment of one's martial arts training one should measure the depth rather than the length".

- MASTER "General" D. Lacey

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Boy am I glad I'm out school


Same here SMR! But, I'm also glad that I learned what paragraphs and punctuation was used for too! lol




No offense kid...I used to be a junior high teacher way back when.....


As for suspensions when fighting in school..absolutely YES! However, if there are reputable witness's that would attest to the other person starting the fight, and you were just protecting yourself, then no, I don't think you should be suspended.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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i think most schools have rediculous policys wheni t comes to fighting. Unless you sit there and let someone punch at kick you repeatedly into a bloddy mess you get in trouble too.


They dont care if you were defending yourself..if you fight back you get in trouble.


Learn some jiu jitsu and choke them out without ever throwing a punch..problem solved :D

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when a school has a zero tolerance policy towards fighting, it makes it much easier on the adminstrators, because they don't have to think or judge and end up having to deal with accusations of favoritism, racism, sexism etc.


Zero tolerance = zero thinking.


If you're in a situation where you cannot get away and you are truly afraid for your physical well being (and I mean more than a guy just shoving you and challenging your ego.) then screw the suspension and do what you need to do.


No one is going to care that you got suspended from high school for three days. Colleges let in people who have done a hell of a lot worse :) Employers aren't going to get to look at your "permanent record" :)


As dumb as it sounds, talk to your parents about it. Tell them you are getting crap at school, and are doing your best to avoid trouble. That way, your parents know you have problems ahead of time, and aren't going to be taken by complete surprise when they get the phone call. Indeed, they will be able to take your side, with facts :)

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Boy am I glad I'm out school


Whew! You took the words out of my mouth!!! :D


The fighting / suspension rule is unfortunately a necessary evil. That is because rather you start the fight or not...more often than not, a teacher is not there to see the start --- so who is innocent? The person with the most friends around of course!!!


If I were you I'd avoid hitting back and counter with blocking and throwing wherever possible...it sounds like these kids just want to 'see what you got'. Hopefully it'll pass soon and you can move on and enjoy HS.



KarateForums.com Sempai
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It sounds like you try to stay our of fights has much as possible which is good. But if you have to defend yourself and you get suspended think of it has a well earned holiday. As long has you know that what you did was right then it doesnt matter.


One thing, if you have to fight hit them with open hands strikes so that when the principle asks you if you punched him, you wont be lying if you say no. :)

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