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Do karate Instructor get paid.

Practise is the Key

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How can people be an Instructor do they need to pass black belt?


Or qualification in maths etc.?

I am still training however, having dabbled in Shotokan and Shotokai Karate. I am please to report that Kenshukai is one of the strongest and most disciplined styles ( i did not write this)

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Unfortunately, anyone can open there own school and make themselves any rank they want. There is no government standard that has to be followed like the licensing for a plumber, electrician, or nurse. If you do not have a lot of expierence or good teaching skills, your school will not go far. I found this out when I was a green belt and my sifu was trying to talk me into opening a franchise under him. Glad I didn't. If you want a respectable school, you must train under a good teacher, devolope good people skills, and learn your art inside and out.


To be an instructor within the school you are going to is up to your sensei.


Some schools have only a couple of instructors under the sensei, other schools require you to teach after you reach black belt. Most styles require you to teach before you can get your Master's rank.


As for the topic of your post, unless you own your own school, or teach at seminars......no. Unless you have worked something out with the owner of the school that you would teach everyday kids classes and or adult. Not just when you decide to show up.

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I get paid, but I'm not a black belt. I don't "technically" teach either. I kind of teach under supervision of my instructor. I can't become a full fledged instructor at my dojang till I reach BB. I'm basically there because I'm an adult (supervising kids in our after school program), helping out my instructor in beginner classes when needed, and doing some office stuff. But I plan on teaching for him for real when I reach black belt :) So, this is good experience for me.


I do plan on openning my own branch of my school in the future, but not until I reach, at least, 3rd dan.

Laurie F

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Hi Practice,


To answer the topic question.. Do you pay a training fee? If yes, then the instructor gets paid. However, not all assistants get paid.


As for qualifications, there is no set rule. One would hope that instructors are black belts in a particular style - however this is not always the case.


In our style there is an accreditation system. As for maths ;-) I've got a degree in that.. not that it really helps my karate..

Keep Smiling!

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in usa, florida, to be an instructor you need to go to the capitol and pass a 897987 tests...

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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Where did you hear that!!?? What part of the State government runs that test? What are Their qulifications for grading teachers of MULTIPLE arts???

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I used to teach the grades lower than myself sometimes. I didn't get paid but didn't expect to.


For the official instructors they got paid - it was their full time job.


It was easy to tell when they demonstrated the techniques and sparred they weren't fakers in any sense.

700 hours of official training. Injury finished me dammit!

1st Kyu Wado Ryu

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