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Hidden Heian Shodan applications or great imagination ?


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Hello !


I have asked my sensei about this application of Heian Shodan found here : (right after the number 11)




My sensei has over 30 years experience in Shotokan and is Japanese and has never heard of this.


I tried to explain but he smiled back at me (that meant shut up and dont ask stupid questions...)and said it had no relevance.


Why is this ?


Why so much incomprehension ?


Is this article based on true facts or just an interpretation ?


The article is really interesting and I would like to know more and why this was not know of my sensei.


Thanks !

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Kata bunkai is differant in every style, the same kata are done in OKINAWA and JAPAN yet the breakdown will not be even close to each other. Your SENSEI probably would rather you work on the things you need for his training and the way his style view them.

"If you don't want to get hit while sparring , join the cardio class"

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As the others have said, it's all in the interpretation. Our Hanshi can show us many applications for the bunkai in certain katas but wants us to do them the way he was taught and the way he teaches. He says that it doesn't make a different way right or wrong. He welcomes questions about application and is welling to discuss new ideas that someone may have but we still learn it his way. :karate:

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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Yes it is all interpretation. And many people are seeing the value in kata and finding useful bunkai, however in my opinion I think people are making things to technical. They view everything as flow charts and databases, but this aint a buisiness proposal its martial arts. I believe kata are a mneumonic, they teach small sequences with exaggerated movements as an aid to memory. And the simpler the bunkai the better.

Mind, body and fist. Its all a man truly needs.

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The inside feeling is what's important with katas. The outside movements may vary based on interpretation, but the inside feeling should be the same. Application of kata is only your vision of the fight (outside movements), spirit, timing, and body functions of kata is always the same regardless of the instructor (inside feeling). Each instructor has their own interpretation of the outside movements when teaching kata in order to learn the inside feeling of kata - which is the true art of kata.


- Killer Miller -

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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There is a base set of of applications that are just simple block and punch. Then you dig into it and find others like throws, sweeps, takedowns, breaks, weapon def., grappeling. etc.


Teachers sometimes have problems with being taught.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Hello !


I have asked my sensei about this application of Heian Shodan found here : (right after the number 11)




My sensei has over 30 years experience in Shotokan and is Japanese and has never heard of this.


I tried to explain but he smiled back at me (that meant shut up and dont ask stupid questions...)and said it had no relevance.


Why is this ?


Why so much incomprehension ?




Thanks !


Its called being closed minded. :roll:


How dare the Gaijin tell us Japanese how to do karate???? :-?


The applications Elmar has given are very real and possible. That dosn't mean that everyone can pull them off. The only limit to a bunkai application is that you should be able to make it work. There are many that I personally can not make work and others I can do that other people find difficult. I have read and reread Dr Schmeisser's Tekki book. I still cant do many of the applications but I have modified quite a few to work for me. They are a very helpful guide. Bunkai should inspire personal creativity and should grow and be expanded on as you learn and become more skilled.


I believe every karateka should know and understand what they are doing with every movement. Its not just a dance, if it were there would be music....... :D

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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